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Smith, R.M., & Alpert, G.P. (2007). Explaining Police Bias: A Theory of Social Conditioning and Illusory Correlation. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 34(10), 1262-1283.

1. What has recent empirical research indicated with regard to the use of race and the use of discretion by the police?

2. What did the PERF survey indicate with regard to racial prejudice?

3. In what way do citizens impact racial profiling?

Stone, C. (2007). Tracing police accountability in theory and practice: From Philadelphia to Abuja and Sao Paulo. Theoretical Criminology, 11(2), 245-259.

1. Describe ways new accountability mechanisms vary from place to place.

2. Explain the 3 levels of police accountability suggested after the Apo murders.

3. Describe the killing of Jen Charles de Menezes in London.

King, W.R. (2009). Toward a Life-Course Perspective of Police Organizations. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 46(2), 213-244.

1. What is a life course perspective?

2. How does the life course approach envision time?

3. Describe the structural contingency theory of organizations.