Welcome to the Companion website

Welcome to the companion website for Using Geodata and Geolocation in the Social Sciences, first edition, by David Abernathy. The resources on the site have been specifically designed to support your study.

Click on the links to the left for the resources that support Part Two of the book:

  • Datasets relating to Chapter 11, Visualizing Data in the Geographic Information Systems with QGIS
  • Helpful links to additional resources mentioned in the book

About the book

Big data is upon us. With the 'internet of things' now a reality, social scientists must get to grips with the complex network of location-based data in order to ask questions and address problems in an increasingly networked, globalizing world.

Using Geodata and Geolocation in the Social Sciences: Mapping our Connected World provides an engaging and accessible introduction to the Geoweb with clear, step-by-step guides for:

  • capturing Geodata from sources including GPS, sensor networks, and Twitter
  • visualizing Geodata using programmes including QGIS, GRASS and R

Packed with colour images and practical exercises, this book is the perfect guide for students and researchers looking to incorporate location-based data into their social science research.


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