A Guide to Qualitative Field Research
SAGE Journal Articles
SAGE journal articles and other additional readings have been carefully selected by the author to accompany each chapter. Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Article 14.1
In general, like Laurel Richardson, the author finds qualitative research reports boring to read. This article shows how the use of creative nonfiction techniques can make such reports less boring. Creative nonfiction involves writing nonfiction using fiction techniques. Creative nonfiction arose in the 1960s when it was called “The New Journalism.” The word creative in creative nonfiction might imply that it does not keep to the facts, but the aim of creative nonfiction is to tell the truth, and this certainly applies in its application to writing qualitative research reports. The article describes a number of fiction techniques and illustrates them with examples drawn from creative nonfiction writings.
Article 14.2
Writing is an integral part of research when a story is crafted. This story makes whatever claim the research will have on readers, and social scientists have increasingly recognized the need to take their storytelling seriously. Discussion of several contemporary ethnographies offers practical advice on writing by asking how the authors tell such good stories. Advice begins with how to catch readers’ attention and moves to issues of telling the truth in postmodern times.
Article 14.3
This article, from a keynote address, is the result of some of the things which the one of the authors learned about qualitative research during his many years of doing and teaching it. The main point he makes is that qualitative researchers should present a good story which is based on evidence but focused on meaning rather than measurement. In qualitative inquiry, the researchers’ selves are involved, their experiences become a resource. Researchers cannot distance themselves from other participants, although they cannot fully present their meaning and experience. The author also discusses voice, paradigm, and innovation as potentially problematic issues in qualitative research. These are terms often used but not always examined for their meaning in qualitative inquiry. If researchers are aware and sensitive, rather than overemotional or self-absorbed, qualitative research can be enlightening, person-centered, and humanistic.