The following journal articles are listed to provide an enhanced critical overview of the themes within the book.
Chapter 1: Classical Learning Approaches within Psychology
Ash, M.G. (2005) The Uses and Usefulness of Psychology. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 600 (1): 99-114.
Beins, B.C. (2011) Using History to Teach Contemporary Psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 38 (4): 309-313.
Chapter 2: Contemporary Learning Approaches within Psychology
Becker, D. and Marecek, J. (2008) Positive Psychology: History in the Remaking? Theory Psychology, 18 (5): 591-604.
Iversen, A-M., Pedersen, L.K. & Jensen, A.A. (2015) Learning, Leading, and Letting Go of Control: Learner-Led Approaches in Education. Sage Open. 5:4, online.
Chapter 3: The Effective Teacher
Bastian, K.C., McCord, D.M., Marks, J.T. & Carpenter, D. (2017) A Temperament for Teaching? Associations Between Personality Traits and Beginning Teacher Performance and Retention. AERA Open, 3:1, Online.
Hirose, T., Koda, N., Nishio, M. & Yamada, Y. (2015) Assessing Practical Thinking of Teachers for Use in Teacher Education. Comprehensive Psychology, 4, Online.
Chapter 4: The Philosophy and Psychology of Professional Practice
Helskog, G.H. (2016) Bildung Towards Wisdom, through Philosophical Dialogue in Teacher Education. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education. Online.
Biesta, G. (2014) ‘Is philosophy of education a historical mistake? Connecting philosophy and education differently’, Theory and Research in Education, 12(1), pp. 65–76.
Chapter 5: Neurological and Physical Development
Bruer, J.T. (2016) Where is Educational Neuroscience? Educational Neuroscience.
Nelson, H.J., Kendall, G.E. and Shields, L. (2013) Neurological and Biological Foundations of Children’s Social and Emotional Development: An Integrated Literature Review. The Journal of School Nursing, Online.
Chapter 6: Perceptual and Cognitive Development
Brouwers, S.A., van de Vijer, F.J.R. & Mishra, R.C. (2017) Cognitive Development through Schooling and Everyday Life: A Natural Experiment among Kharwar Children in India. International Journal of Behavioural Development, 41:3, 309-319.
Lövdén, M. et al. (2020) ‘Education and Cognitive Functioning Across the Life Span’, Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 21(1), pp. 6–41.
Chapter 7: Social, Emotional Development and Personality
Collie, R. J. (2020) ‘The development of social and emotional competence at school: An integrated model’, International Journal of Behavioral Development, 44(1), pp. 76–87.
Cross, T.L. and Cross, J.R. (2017) Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Students: Introducing the School-Based Psychosocial Curriculum Model. Gifted Child Today, 40:3, 178-182.
Chapter 8: Understanding the Self
Toland, M.D. and Usher, E.L. (2015) Assessing Mathematics Self-Efficacy: How Many Categories Do We Really Need? The Journal of Early Adolescence, 36:7, 932-960.
Zelenak, M. S. (2020) ‘Developing Self-Efficacy to Improve Music Achievement’, Music Educators Journal, 107(2), pp. 42–50.
Chapter 9: Understanding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Weiss, S., Markowetz, R. and Kiel, E. (2018) ‘How to teach students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities in inclusive and special education settings: Teachers’ perspectives on skills, knowledge and attitudes’, European Educational Research Journal, 17(6), pp. 837–856.
Zagona, A.L., Kurth, J.A., MacFarland, S.Z.C. (2017) Teachers’ Views of their Preparation for Inclusive Education and Collaboration. Teacher Education and Special Education, 40:3, 163-178.
Chapter 10: Motivation
Shelton-Strong, S. J. (2020) ‘Advising in language learning and the support of learners’ basic psychological needs: A self-determination theory perspective’, Language Teaching Research.
Wehmeyer, M,L., Shogren, K.A., Toste, J.R. & Mahal, S. (2016) Self-Determined Learning to Motivate Struggling Learners in Reading and Writing. Intervention in School and Clinic, 52, 295-303.
Chapter 11: Integrating Psychology in the Classroom
Franklin, C., Biever, J., Moore, K., Clemons, D. and Scamardo, M. (2001) The Effectiveness of Solution-Focused Therapy with Children in a School Setting. Research on Social Work Practice, 11 (4): 411-434.
Schmit, E.L., Schmit, M.K. & Lenz, A.S. (2016) Meta-Analysis of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy for Treating Symptoms of Internalizing Disorders. Counsling Outcome Research and Evaluation, 7:1, 21-39.
Chapter 12: Mental Wellbeing
Clarke, T. (2020) ‘Children’s wellbeing and their academic achievement: The dangerous discourse of ‘trade-offs’ in education’, Theory and Research in Education, 18(3), pp. 263–294.
Littlecott, H.J., Long, S., Hawkins, J., Murphy, S., Hewitt, G., Eccles, G., Fletcher, A. & Moore, G.F. (2018) Health Improvement and Educational Attainment in Secondary Schools: Complementary or Competing Priorities? Exploratory Analyses from the School of Health Research Network in Wales. Health Education & Behavior, online.
Chapter 13: Coaching Psychology and Developing Resilience
Hart, A., Ganon, E., Eryigit-Madzwamuse, S., Cameron, J., Aranda, K., Rathbone, A. & Heaver, B. (2016) Uniting Resilience Research and Practice with an Inequalities Approach. Sage Open, 6:4, online.
Westby, C. (2020) ‘Emotion Coaching’, Word of Mouth, 31(5), pp. 12–13.
Chapter 14: Goal-Setting
Colton, A.B. and Sparks-Langer, G.M. (1993) A Conceptual Framework to Guide the Development of Teacher Reflection and Decision Making. Journal of Teacher Education, 44 (1): 45-54.
Strick, M. & Papies, E.K. (2017) A Brief Mindfulness Exercise Promotes the Correspondence Between the Implicit Affiliation Motive and Goal Setting. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43:5, 623-637.
Chapter 15: Mental Imagery
Bjornsen, H.N., Espnes, G.A., Eilertsen, M-E, B., Ringdal, R. & Moksnes, U.K. (2017) The Relationship Between Positive Mental Health Literacy and Mental Well-Being Among Adolescents. The Journal of School Nursing, online.
Koenderink, J., van Doorn, A. & Wagemans, J. (2015) Deploying the Mental Eye. i-Perception, 6:5, online.
Chapter 16: Self-Talk and Cognitive Restructuring
Rees-Evans, D. & Pevalin, D.J. (2017) Using the Principle Based Model to Improve Well-Being in School: A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study. Sage Open, 7:2, online.
Villaggi, B., Provencher, H., Coulombe, S., Meunier, S., Radziszewski, S., Hudon, C., Roberge, P., Provencher, M.D. & Houle, J. (2015) Self-Management Strategies in Recovery from Mood and Anxiety Disorders. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 2, online.
Chapter 17: Relaxation
del Carmen, M. & Palomino, P. (2017) An Analysis of Self-Concept in Students with Compensatory Education Needs for Developing a Mindfulness-Based Psychoeducational Program. Sage Open, 7:2, online.
Stevens, E. S. et al. (2018) ‘The Effects of Worry and Relaxation on Flexibility During Cognitive Restructuring’, Behavior Modification, 42(6), pp. 838–863.
Chapter 18: Reading, Reasoning and Researching Education
Haaker, M. & Morgan-Brett, B. (2017) Developing Research-Led Teaching: Two Cases of Practical Data Reuse in the Classroom. Sage Open, 7:2, online.
Desimore, L.M., Woldford, T. and Hill, K.L. (2016) Research-Practice: A Practical Conceptual Framework. AERA Open, 2:4, online.
Chapter 19: The Learning Environment
van den Berg, Y.H.M. & Stoltz, S. (2018) Enhancing Social Inclusion of Children with Externalizing Problems Through Classroom Seating Arrangements: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Emotional and Behavioural Disorders, 26:1, 31-41.
Yin, H., Lee, J. C.-K. and Zhang, Z. (2020) ‘Catering for Learner Diversity in Hong Kong Secondary Schools: Insights from the Relationships Between Students’ Learning Styles and Approaches’, ECNU Review of Education, 3(4), pp. 610–631.
Chapter 20: Elearning: The New Frontier in Education?
Song, H., Wu, J. and Zhi, T. (2020) ‘Online Teaching for Elementary and Secondary Schools During COVID-19’, ECNU Review of Education, 3(4), pp. 745–754.
Zavyalova, K. (2020) ‘Unlocking students’ motivation in the blended higher education classroom: Lecturers’ perspectives’, E-Learning and Digital Media, 17(5), pp. 425–441.
Chapter 21: The ‘Ideal’ Teacher
Bastian, K.C., McCord, D.M., Marks, J.T. & Carpenter, D. (2017) A Temperament for Teaching? Associations Between Personality Traits and Beginning Teacher Performance and Retention. AERA Open, 3:1, online.
Naz, F. & Murad, H.S. (2017) Innovative Teaching Has a Positive Impact in the Performance of Diverse Students. Sage Open, 7:4, online.
Chapter 22: Reflective Position: Integrating the Strands of this Book
Deringer, S.A. (2017) Mindful Place-Based Education: Mapping the Literature. Journal of Experiential Education, 40:4, 333-348.
Strandberg, K., Himmelroos, S., Gronlund, K. (2017) Do Discussions in Like-Minded Groups Necessarily Lead to More Extreme Opinions? Deliberative Democracy and Group Polarization. International Political Science Review, online.