Sourcing Content Assets

Third-party content refers to any content asset that is not original to the product being created. A content asset is any single element of content used in the delivery of a product. For example: images, videos, quotes, diagrams, tables, figures, concepts, extracts, whole articles, etc.

Wherever possible, incorporate content assets from related Corwin title(s) into the materials you create. If alternative sources are necessary, follow these guidelines:

  1. Limit the use of third-party content to what is essential.
  2. Corwin-owned content assets from unrelated Corwin titles may be used sparingly if approved by the relevant Corwin editor
  3. Use free/public domain (hyperlink to public domain webpage) stock images from vendors such as Pixaby or Unsplash.
  4. iStock can be used if there is a budget allocated for this purpose.
  5. Creative Commons materials with a CC-BY license are acceptable.

Third-party Content Assets

Third-party content assets include, but are not limited to, the following types of content:

  • Photos
  • Videos/Audio Clips/Reels
  • Student work (or photos of)
  • Drawings/Illustrations
  • Cartoons/Comics
  • Clip art/Icons
  • Poetry/Lyrics
  • Text Excerpts/Tables/Figures
  • Speeches/Interviews/Letters
  • Blogs/Articles
  • Internet/Websites/Screenshots
  • Supplemental training documents