Student Resources
Marxism and Critical Realism: seeking what lies beneath
Progress in Human Geography/ Progress in Physical Geography Resources
Please note the links require journal subscription access which may be available through your university.
King, B. (2010) ‘Political ecologies of health’, Progress in Human Geography 34 (1): 38‒55. doi: 10.1177/0309132509338642
Pratt, A.C. (1995) ‘Putting critical realism to work: the practical implications for geographical research’, Progress in Human Geography 19 (1): 61‒74. doi: 10.1177/030913259501900104.
Neumann, R.P. (2011) ‘Political ecology III: theorizing landscape’, Progress in Human Geography 35 (6): 843‒50. doi: 10.1177/0309132510390870.
Rangan, H. and Kull, C.A. (2009) ‘What makes ecology “political”?: rethinking “scale” in political ecology’, Progress in Human Geography 33 (1): 28‒45. doi: 10.1177/0309132508090215.
Roberts, J.M. (2001) ‘Realist spatial abstraction? Marxist observations of a claim within critical realist geography’, Progress in Human Geography 25 (4): 545‒67. doi: 10.1191/030913201682688931
Walker, P.A. (2006) ‘Political ecology: where is the policy?’ Progress in Human Geography 30 (3): 382‒95. doi:10.1191/0309132506ph613pr.
Yeung, H.W. (1997) ‘Critical realism and realist research in human geography: a method, or a philosophy in search of a method?’ Progress in Human Geography 21 (1): 51‒74. doi: 10.1191/030913297668207944.
Article & notes for exercise(s)
Other resources
Harman, C. (2000) How Marxism Works (6th edition). London: Bookmarks Publications Ltd.
Ollman, B. (2003) Dance of the Dialectic: Steps in Marx’s Method. University of Illinois Press.
Richards, K. (1999) ‘Samples and cases: generalisation and explanation in geomorphology’, in B.L. Rhoads and C.E. Thorn (eds), The Scientific Nature of Geomorphology. Chichester: Wiley. 172-190.
Wesner, B. (undated) ‘Notes from the underground: the beginning of Antipode’, In Past Editors’ Reflections.
Wolff, J. (2011) ‘Karl Marx’, in E.N. Zalta (ed.) The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosphy (Summer 2011 Edition).