Student Resources
Social Constructionism and Feminism: it’s all down to us
Progress in Human Geography / Progress in Physical Geography Resources
Please note the links require journal subscription access which may be available through your university.
McDowell, L. (1993a) ‘Space, place and gender relations: Part I. Feminist empiricism and the geography of social relations’, Progress in Human Geography 17 (2): 157‒79. doi: 10.1177/030913259301700202
McDowell, L. (1993b) ‘Space, place and gender relations: Part II. Identity, difference, feminist geometries and geographies’, Progress in Human Geography 17 (3): 305‒18 doi: 0.1177/030913259301700301.
Pedynowski, D. (2003) ‘Science(s) which, when and whose? Probing the metanarrative of scientific knowledge in the social construction of nature’, Progress in Human Geography 27 (6): 735‒52. doi: 10.1191/0309132503ph459oa.
Silvey, R. (2004) ‘Power, difference and mobility: feminist advances in migration studies’, Progress in Human Geography 28 (4): 490‒506. doi: 10.1191/0309132504ph490oa
Wainwright, S.P. (2012) ‘Science studies in physical geography: an idea whose time has come?’ Progress in Physical Geography 36 (6): 786‒812. doi: 10.1177/0309133312450997.
Wright, M.W. (2010) ‘Gender and geography II: bridging the gap – feminist, queer, and the geographical imaginary’, Progress in Human Geography 34 (1): 56‒66. doi: 10.1177/0309132509008.
Article & notes for exercise(s)
Other resources
Website materials – more on social constructionism (Word)
Bergoffen, D. (2010) ‘Simone de Beauvoir’, in E.N. Zalta (ed.) The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2010 edition).
Bird, A. (2013) ‘Thomas Kuhn’, in E.N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2013 Edition)
Bowell, T. (2011) ‘Feminist standpoint theory’, in J. Fieser and B. Dowden (eds) Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Hacking, I. (1999) The Social Construction of What? Harvard University Press.
Hausman, R., Tyson, L. and Zahidi, S. (2012) The Global Gender Gap Report. Geneva: World Economic Forum.
Mallon, R. (2013) ‘Naturalistic approaches to social construction’, in E.N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2013 edition)