Multiple Choice Quiz

1. Which type of validity is of most importance for HR professionals?

  1. Construct validity
  2. Predictive (criterion-related) validity
  3. Content validity
  4. Face validity


b. Predictive (criterion-related) validity

2. What outputs does Worker-oriented Job Analysis typically produce?

  1. Measures of person–organisation fit
  2. Job tasks and elements
  3. Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other Attributes
  4. A job description


c. Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other Attributes

3. Which of the following selection methods is NOT considered to show acceptable predictive validity?

  1. Personality testing
  2. Biodata
  3. Structured interviewing
  4. Graphology


d. Graphology

4. Which of the following psychological effects is likely to have the least impact on the subjective assessments of interviewers under normal circumstances?

  1. The beautyism effect
  2. The Hawthorne effect
  3. The similarity effect
  4. The halo effect


b. The Hawthorne effect

5. Which of the following combinations of attributes best captures Silzer & Church’s (2009) attributes that define high-potential individuals?

  1. Openness, job satisfaction and integrity
  2. Emotional stability, self-efficacy and intellectual career interests
  3. High cognitive ability, motivation and leadership
  4. Emotional intelligence, organisational commitment and agreeableness


c. High cognitive ability, motivation and leadership

6. Which of the following selection methods tend to be viewed most favourably by candidates?

  1. Personal contacts
  2. Interviews
  3. Graphology
  4. Honesty tests


b. Interviews

7. Which piece of legislation governs recruitment and selection processes in the UK?

  1. The Human Rights Act
  2. The Disability Discrimination Act
  3. The Equality Act
  4. The Race Relations Act


c. The Equality Act

8. Which of the following methods is NOT a legal way of ensuring fairness in selection in the UK?

  1. Quota systems
  2. Encouraging applications from minority group candidates
  3. Choosing job-relevant selection methods
  4. Recording and monitoring the proportion of minority and majority group candidates who are selected in a process


a. Quota systems

9. According to figures cited by Brown & Vaughn (2011), what is the most recent estimate of the percentage of recruiting managers that gather social networking data on job applicants?

  1. 10%
  2. 22%
  3. 78%
  4. 45%


d. 45%

10. What is the advantage of making selection decisions on the basis of person–organisation fit?

  1. Avoidance of intra-group conflict
  2. Ensuring the face validity of the selection process
  3. Ensuring fairness in the selection process
  4. Maximising the potential for future job performance


a. Avoidance of intra-group conflict