SAGE book chapters & journal articles

Chapter 1: Introduction – Reclaiming Assessment


Julie Percival, Values and Principles of Assessment in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Glazzard et al. London: SAGE.


Bagnato,  Stephen J. et al., ‘Authentic Assessment as “Best Practice” for Early Childhood Intervention: National Consumer Social Validity Research’, Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, August 2014; vol. 34, 2: pp. 116-127


Chapter 2: Why is Assessment Important?


Carter, C. and Nutbrown, C. (2013) ‘The tools of assessment: Watching and learning’, in G. Pugh and B. Duffy (eds), Contemporary Issues in Early Years, 6th edition. London: SAGE.


Harrison, Allyson G. (2005) ‘Recommended Best Practices for the Early Identification and Diagnosis of Children with Specific Learning Disabilities in Ontario’, Canadian Journal of School Psychology, Vol 20 No. 1-2: pp. 21-43.

Roberts-Holmes, Guy and Bradbury, Alice. ‘The Datafication of Early Years Education and its Impact Upon Pedagogy’, Improving Schools, Vol 19 No. 2: pp.       119-128.


Chapter 3: What are the Purposes of Assessment?


Fleet, Alma. (2014) ‘Assessment: A Critical Companion to Early Childhood Pedagogy’, in M. Reed and R. Walker (eds) A Critical Companion to Early Childhood. London: SAGE.


Patricia A. Snyder et al, ‘Assessment in Early Childhood: Instruction-Focused Strategies to Support Response-to-Intervention Frameworks’, Assessment for Effective Intervention, December 2008; vol 34, 2: pp 25-34.

Rea-Dickens, P. and Gardner, S. ‘Snares and Silver Bullets: Disentangling the construct of formative assessment’, Language Testing, April 2000; vol 1, 2: pp. 215-243.


Chapter 4: Significances and Signifiers of Child Development


Dunlop, A.W. ‘Chapter 12: Developing Child in Society: Making Transitions’ in M. Reed and R. Walker (eds) A Critical Companion to Early Childhood. London: SAGE.


Edwards, S. & Bird, J. ‘Observing and assessing young children’s digital play in the early years: Using the Digital Play Framework’, Journal of Early Childhood Research, 1476718X15579746, first published on May 5, 2015


Chapter 5: The Intuitive Professional

Jewiss, J. and Clark-Keefe, K. (2007). ‘On a personal note: practical pedagogical activities to foster the development of 'reflective practitioners’, American Journal of Evaluation, 28, 3, 334–47.

Mistry, M. and Sood, K. (2012) ‘Challenges of early years leadership preparation: a comparison between early and experienced early years practitioners in England’, Management in Education, 26(1): 28–37.


Chapter 6: Establishing Eight Principles for Effective Early Years Assessment


Percival, J. (2010) ‘Chapter 2: Values and Principles of Assessment in the Early Years Foundation Stage’ in Glazzard et al (ed) Assessment for Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage. London: SAGE.


Bagnato, S.J., McLean, M., Macy, M. and Neisworth, J.T. (2011) ‘Identifying instructional targets for early childhood via authentic assessment: Alignment of professional standards and practice-based evidence’, Journal of Early Intervention, 33(4): 243–253.


Chapter 7: Assessment in Practice

Chadwick, D and Anne Webster. (2010) ‘Chapter 6: Collecting Meaningful Evidence’ in Glazzard et al (ed) Assessment for Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage. London: SAGE.

Neaum, S. ‘Observing and Assessing Children’s Learning and Development’, in Child Development for Early Years Students and Practitioners. London: SAGE.


Chapter 8: Assessment in the Early Years Foundation Stage


Howard, S., Nicholson, N., Williams, C., (2016) ‘Assessment’, The Early Years Foundation Stage, 3rd Edition London: SAGE


Wilkinson, D. ‘Quality Assessment of Early Years Education’, National Institute Economic Review, January 2009; vol. 207, 1: pp. 73-74


Chapter 9: The 2-Year-Old Progress Check

Dukes & Smith (2014). Checking Progress at Two Years Old. London: SAGE.

Bruce, Louis, McCall (2014). Observation as a way of adapting practice. Observing Young Children. London: SAGE.


Chapter 10: The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile

Hopkin, R, Stokes, L. and Wilkinson, D. ‘Using Foundation Stage Profile Assessments To Assess Outcomes From Early Years Education’, National Institute Economic Review, January 2009; vol. 207, 1: pp. 102-112.

Bradbury, A. ‘‘I Feel Absolutely Incompetent’: Professionalism, Policy and Early Childhood Teachers’, Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, September 2012; vol. 13, 3: pp. 175-186.


Chapter 11: The Baseline Assessment 2015 Onwards     

No further readings for Chapter 11