Critical thinking stop point 8.1
Safeguarding adults is about protecting those at risk of harm (vulnerable adults) from suffering abuse or neglect. Safeguarding has been discussed earlier on in this chapter (Knowledge Link to chapter 4). Nurses have an important role to play in ensuring that patients receive the care or treatment that he/she needs as this is an integral aspect of safeguarding.
Earlier in this chapter, we have met Gordon and Ajit. How would you help to ensure that they receive the care or treatment that they need?
A proposed response to these questions might include information around these statements:
- Providing all necessary information to allow them or their families to make informed choices regarding care.
- Ensure that my (student nurse) knowledge and skills were up to date to allow me to practice in line with the best evidence.
- Communicate effectively.
- Treat service users with dignity and respect.
- Care based on empathy, respect and dignity.
- A commitment to build on and improve care and patient experience.
- Work in partnership with individuals, their families, carers and others important to them.