Essentials of Nursing Adults
Student Resources
Video Links
Chapter 1: The Changing World of Healthcare
Video 1: An introduction to using the PHE fingertips tool
Provides guidance on using the Public Health England Health Profiles.
Video 2: Understanding the NHS vanguard programme
A good brief overview of NHS vanguard programmes.
Chapter 2: Patient Centered Care
Video 1: Person-centred care made simple
This animation is a quick overview of person-centred care, exploring what it is and why it’s important from the Health Foundation website.
Video 2: Person-centred care animation
Looks at person-centred care for people with long term conditions by NHS Improving Quality
Video 3: Primary care nurses and person-centred care
Has two videos exploring what PCC means to them; one from a primary care nurse and one from a patient.
Chapter 3: Professional Values
Video 1: What are the 6Cs of modern nursing
Jane Cummings the Chief Nursing Officer for England introduces the 6Cs.
Video 2: The NHS Constitution Values Hub
Different people’s views of what the constitution means to them.
Video 3: Care compassion and dignity in healthcare
Looks at what compassion, dignity and respect mean in health care for people who work there.
Video 4: The difference between care and caring
Video by a hospital showing how they deliver compassionate care to their patients.
Video 5: What do you see? Dignity in care film
An extract from a film which makes you think about how you care.
Chapter 4: Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Harm
Video 1:
This link takes you to a video produced by the Social Care Institute of Excellence concerning safeguarding older people: ‘Safeguarding adults: looking out for each other to prevent abuse’
Chapter 5: Patient Safety
Video 1: Just a routine operation
Really powerful and very good introduction to human factors (13.56 min).
Video 2: NHS National Patient Safety Alerting System
Quick intro into the value of reporting incidents (2.36 min).
Video 3: Never events 1, what are they?
Video 4: Annie’s story: How a system’s approach can change safety culture
Important message about not seeking to blame individual but find what is wrong with systems individuals are using (5.34 min).
Video 5: Clinical incident scenario for investigation training
Brief scenario of a medication error which will need investigation (3.33 min).
Chapter 6: Research and Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing
Video 1: Evidence-based practice, step 2 (part 1) searching
A useful video on how to go about undertaking your search for the appropriate evidence.
Video 2: Chief nursing officer for England and council of deans of health research roundtable
This website has several videos discussing the key priorities for nursing and midwifery research in England.
Video 3: Clinical trials practitioner
Abigail discusses her role as clinical trials practitioner.
Video 4: National Institute of Healthcare Research
This website has a whole host of videos which explain the importance of clinical research from the perspective of patients, carers and healthcare professionals.
Video 5: Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
A series of short tutorials on evidence-based medicine. The Finding the Evidence series of videos are really helpful in formulating your question and then developing and undertaking your search strategy.
Chapter 7: Health Promotion
Video 1: Health promotion models
Looks at a number of different models (Tannahill’s model, Beattie's model and Naidoo and Wills’ typology) of health promotion
Video 2: NHS Grampian – Health promoting service
Looks at health promoting activities within a hospital setting.
Video 3: Healthy Ramadan
How to prepare yourself for Ramadan and how to stay healthy while fasting throughout the month.
Video 4: Eating well on a budget
How to eat healthily on a budget.
Video 5: Staying active over 60
Why keeping active is important from the perspective of older people and healthcare professionals.
Chapter 8: The Fundamentals of Care in Nursing Adults
Video 1: World Health Organization
WHO discuss person/people-centred care.
Video 2: Audit Scotland
Find out about the work Audit Scotland is doing on health and social care.
Video 3: Health Foundation
What is person-centred care?
Video 4: Leeds Community Healthcare
Staff and patients discuss what high-quality care means to them.
Video 5: Care inspectorate
Patient perspectives on standards of care.
Chapter 9: Assessment of the Adult with Acute Needs
Video 1: Assessment
This is a video by Health Education England for nurses applying to come and work in England who have to undertake an OSCE on patient assessment. It is a very good overview of all the different types of assessment used by nurses and demonstrated using role players.
Video 2: RC (UK) ABCDE assessment demo
This video by the Resuscitation Council takes you through the ABCDE assessment process for an acutely ill patient.
Video 3: National early warning score 1, how to fill out
A simple video that takes you through the process for completing a NEWS chart.
Video 4: Glasgow Coma Scale at 40 | The new approach to Glasgow Coma Scale assessment
A great video that takes you through the process for assessing a patient with the Glasgow Coma Scale.
Video 5: SBAR
This award-winning video shows you how to use the SBAR process when handing over information on a critically ill patient.
Chapter 10: Preparing Adults for Surgery, Peri And Post-operative Surgical Care
Chapter 11: Pain Assessment and Management
Video 1: How pain relievers work.
Chapter 12: Clinical Investigations
Video 1: Chest X-ray interpretation explained – How to read a CXR
Explains the basics of a chest X-ray.
Video 2: EKG/ECG interpretation (basic): Easy and simple!
Explains the basics of the ECG configuration and some basic interpretation.
Video 3: Urinalysis – OSCE guide
Explains how to undertake a urinalysis and understand the results.
Video 4: Introduction to lab values and normal ranges
Good overview of blood results.
Video 5: What’s the difference between an MRI and a CT?
Explanation aimed at patients about the differences between an MRI and a CT scan and what to expect.
Chapter 13: Medication Management and Administration
Video 1: Integrated medicines management
Video describing how integrated medicines management at City Hospitals Sunderland benefits patients and other healthcare professionals by enhancing the clinical input.
Video 2: Enabling professionalism – rectifying medicines management issues
John, a community-based nurse, uses Enabling professionalism to address and rectify some medicines management issues.
Video 3: NMC OSCE for overseas nurses and medications
A useful revision session for all students.
Video 4: Medication review in care homes
NHS Leeds West Clinical Commissioning Group has launched a short video which explains the importance of having a medication review in care homes
Chapter 14: Infection Prevention and Control
Chapter 15: Care of the Childbearing Woman
Video 1: TED talk: How can anyone get pregnant?
Video 2: Fertilization and implantation
Video 3: Crash course: from conception to birth
Video 4: What pregnancy symptoms are normal?
Video 5: Place of birth choice
Chapter 16: Care of the Highly Dependent and Critically Ill Adult
Video 1: Post-intensive care syndrome: ICU survivors share their stories
The Canadian cardiovascular Critical Care Society (5m20s).
Video 2: Protected sleep time: Strategies for reducing the incidence of delirium
Greater Manchester Critical Care Network (3m4s).
Video 3: Patient experiences in ICU and the process of getting better
NHS Critical Care Recovery
Video 4: Spiritual support in intensive care
NHS Critical Care Recovery (11m47s)
Video 5: Spiritual support: when someone dies
NHS Critical Care Recovery (11m6s)
Video 6: Let’s talk about dying: TEDx (13m13s)
Chapter 17: Care of The Frail Older Adult
Video 1:
Mrs Andrew’s pathway is a brief but powerful film of care that has not resulted in a positive outcome.
Video 2:
A further film discusses what actions might have changed this to a positive experience for Mrs Andrews.
Chapter 18: Care of the Adult with Long-Term Conditions
Video 1: Jim’s story, anticipatory care planning (4 min)
Video 2: Ethical issues with end-of-life decisions (4 min)
Video3: Long-term conditions, improvements in healthcare (5 min)
Video 4: Personalized care planning (3 min)
Chapter 19: Care of the Adult with Mental Health Issues
Video 1: Psychosis is nothing like a badger
This is an animated video to raise awareness concerning the signs and symptoms of psychosis, in the hope that sufferers (and those around them) can seek help without fear, judgment, or hesitation.
Video 2: Trauma and the brain: Understanding abuse survivors responses
This animation is a useful resource, which helps professionals to understand the effects of abuse.
Video 3: Newsreader Mark Austin regrets how he handled his daughter’s anorexia
This video features Mark Austin who talks about his family experience of his daughter with anorexia.
Video 4: What’s so funny about mental illness?
This video features comedian Ruby Wax who was diagnosed with clinical depression and wishes to put an end to the stigma of mental illness.
Chapter 20: Care of the Adult with Dementia
Video 1: To better understand how dementia affects the brain particularly in Alzheimer’s disease, go to the Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Brain Video. This is one of a series of short informative films that provide more detailed information at:
Video 2: Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) – a less common form of dementia. The damage begins in the occipital region of the brain. In the early stages, there is less difficulty with memory but problems with the area of the brain affecting vision, the person will have difficulty recognizing faces and objects. Over time this condition will have a similar progression to Alzheimer’s disease. This film shows one person’s experience of PCA:
Video 3: Huntington’s disease is an hereditary disease of the central nervous system, with any child of an affected parent having a 50% chance of developing this condition. The main early symptoms are jerky, uncontrolled movements, some change in the ability to plan and organize and some mood changes. This progresses to very severe physical impairment and dementia. More detailed information is available here:
Video 4: Barbara has dementia and this learning resource explores Barbara’s journey though care. This is an invaluable insight into the experience of dementia:
Chapter 21: Care of the Adult with a Learning Disability
Video 1: What does learning disability really mean?
A video by Mencap where people with a learning disability and their families talk about what a learning disability means to them.
Video 2: Jayne and Jonathan’s story
A Mencap video which tells the story of Paul who had a learning disability and died in hospital due to the lack of understanding by healthcare staff about how to manage a person with a learning disability. The video describes the events that took place and the investigations after his death.
Video 3: Let’s talk about intellectual disabilities: Loretta Claiborne
The true story of Loretta Claiborne who had an intellectual learning disability who managed to overcome the challenges and lack of understanding by people about her ability to achieve. Loretta became a Special Olympics athlete and a motivational speaker.
Video 4: Frank Stephens: “I am a man with Down syndrome and my life is worth living”
Video 5: Addressing inequalities in people with learning disabilities
A presentation of the confidential inquiry into premature deaths of people with learning disabilities (CIPOLD) and the lessons learnt from it.
Chapter 22: Care of the Adult with Cancer
Video 1: (prostate cancer)
Video 2: (breast cancer)
Video 3: (lung cancer)
Video 4: (immunotherapy)
Video 5: (melanoma)
Chapter 23: Care of the Adult at The End of Life
Video 1: End of life and palliative care: Thinking about the words we use
This video highlights the importance of communication and encourages practitioners to communicate how much they care about the person who is dying; as well as being clear about what they’re doing to help and support the person and their friends and relatives.
Video 2: End-of-life care
This video provides a family’s experience of end of life care.
Video 3: Getting the most from palliative care
Lucy, who has a life-limiting condition, shares what she has learned about palliative care and how to get the most from consultations.
Video 4: Centre to Advance Palliative Care
A range of CAPC palliative care-related videos and podcasts for the education of both professionals and the public.
Chapter 24: Care of the Adult with a Respiratory Condition
Video 1: (respiratory examination)
Video 2: (lung sounds)
Video 3: (peak expiratory flow rate)
Video 4: (Asthma UK)
Video 5: (Asthma UK)
Chapter 25: Care of the Adult with a Cardiac Condition
Video 1: Hypertension
This video is presented by Brian Williams, professor of medicine, from the University of Leicester and University Hospitals of Leicester. Hypertension and other risk factors relevant to cardiovascular disease are discussed.
Video 2: What is atrial fibrillation?
A brief video guide which explains atrial fibrillation.
Video 3: Our guide to an echo
A brief video guide which explains an echocardiogram.
Chapter 27: Care of the Adult with a Neurological Condition
Video 1: What’s it like to have Parkinson’s? (10m28s)
In this honest and often funny live talk Colin describes his experience of Parkinson’s and his hopes for the future.
Video 2: What it is like living with MS (1m15s)
What is it like to have MS? What does it feel like? Various people were asked who have MS to describe their symptoms in their own words. What they said is compelling, powerful and might surprise you.
Video 3: Life after a stroke (2m50s)
Survivors Mark Flood and Paul Brimble share their inspiring stories of life after stroke. You can read more about their experiences on the British Heart Foundation website.
Chapter 28: Care of the Adult with a Urinary/Renal Condition
Video 1: Anatomy and physiology of the kidney, urinary bladder, ureters and urethra
This is a useful short video which utilizes audio, diagrams and text to explore the anatomy and physiology of the kidney, urinary bladder, ureters and urethra.
Video 2: National Kidney Federation
This is a useful resource, which provides a range of videos including individuals’ perspectives of living with kidney disease.
Video 3: Kidney Care UK
This is a useful resource, which provides a variety of information to support individuals with kidney disease to live well.
Video 4: Classification of CKD utilising GFR and ACR categories
This is a useful resource produced by NICE in regard to the classification of CKD. Table 1 on page 12 makes particular reference to classification of CKD utilising GFR and ACR categories.
Video 5: NHS Think Kidneys
Think Kidneys – the national campaign to raise awareness of our kidneys – their importance for life and health and how to look after them.
Video 6: British Renal Society
A useful resource that supports multi-professional and patient-centered research.
Chapter 29: Care of the Adult with an Endocrine Condition
These videos, titled ‘What’s a DAFNE course really like?’ and ‘What happens at an X-PERT course?’ provide some interesting insights.
Video 2:
This video by Open Osmosis presents a detailed and engaging discussion regarding Addison’s disease which incorporates good descriptions of the anatomy and physiology of the adrenal glands.
Video 3:
This page contains a video covering people’s experiences of type 2 diabetes.
Video 4:
Another video, this time on young people’s experiences of type 1 diabetes:
Video 5:
In this YouTube video called My Story, Emma Tara talks about her experiences of living with Graves’ disease. You may notice that she describes some of the signs and symptoms described in the book chapter.
Chapter 30: Care of the Adult with an Immunological Condition
Video 1: Innate immune system
Video 2: Specific/adaptive immune system
Video 3: Cellular immune response
Video 4: Immunodeficiency
Chapter 31: Care of the Adult with a Musculoskeletal Condition
Video 1: Osteoarthritis: Elaine’s story
Video 2: Hip op: Norman’s story
Video 3: What is osteoporosis?
Video 4: Hip operation
Animation explaining how a hip replacement is done and why it would be needed.
Video 5: Postoperative hip care
A physiotherapist explains how to get the hip moving again after surgery.
Chapter 33: Care of the Adult with a Dermatological Condition
Video 1: Integumentary system (7 min)
Video 2: Chronic acne
Consider the psychological implications of acne. How as students cane you minimize these effects? (this video is age-restricted) (5.40 min)
Video 3: Living with psoriasis
Chapter 34: Care of the Adult with a Gastrointestinal Condition
Video 1: Living with Crohn's and colitis, 3 videos included in this link
Video 2: IBD specialist
Video 3: Demonstration of how to change a colostomy bag
How Laura changes her ostomy bag – Shield HealthCare.
Video 4: Living with a stoma and coping
Things that still bother me since getting ostomy surgery – And how I resolve them.
Chapter 35: Care of the Adult with a Nutritional Condition
Video 1: Focus on undernutrition – How to complete MUST
This resource provides a guide of how to complete the MUST screening tool.
Video 2: Childhood obesity in the UK
This is a useful resource which explores the causes of childhood obesity within the UK.
Video 3: Healthy aging with nutrition, Alliance for Aging Research
Watch this film for tips on a healthy diet, how to safely turn to supplements, and how to be a well-educated consumer.
Video 4: How to make healthy eating unbelievably easy, Luke Durward, TED talk
Student Luke Durward sustained a broken leg and used his recovery time to return home and mentor his little brother on healthy eating. While illustrating his brother's dramatic transformation, Luke shares the obvious secret that is repeatedly overlooked by unsuccessful dieters.
Video 5: Diseases caused by malnutrition
This resource focuses on four common conditions caused by malnutrition: scurvy, rickets, beriberi and pellagra.
Chapter 36: Leadership and Management in Nursing Adults
Chapter 37: Decision-making
Video 1: Clinical decision making
Nikki Atkins, a staff nurse from Scotland, shares how she has developed her decision-making skills and resources she has used.
Video 2: Shared decision making
A short video by the Health Foundation looking at shared decision making with patients
Video 3: Kate makes a decision
How Kate made a decision around treatment for her polycystic kidney disease using PDAs.
Video 4: Behind closed doors
Two contrasting consultations with patients.
Chapter 39: The role of the Nurse as Teacher and Educator
Video 1: Collaborative learning in practice toolkit
A website that has several videos describing an alternative approach to supporting learning in practice.
Video 2: Mentoring in practice – The newly qualified nurses’ experience
Two recently qualified nurses talk about their experience of supporting students in practice.
Video 3: The 3-minute Kolb
A quick guide to Kolb and how we learn by reflecting on our practice.