Chapter 19: Care of the Adult with Mental Health Issues

1. Mania is a feature of which of the following mental health conditions?

  1. depression
  2. bipolar disorder
  3. schizophrenia
  4. anxiety

Answer: B

2. Which of the following best describes the concept of recovery in mental health?

  1. maintaining abstinence from alcohol and drugs and attending meetings
  2. returning to normal levels of functioning even if still taking medication
  3. living a meaningful and satisfying life with or without the symptoms of mental illness as experienced by the person
  4. full remission for a period of 5 or more years

Answer: C

3. Schizophrenia occurs in ______ of the population.

  1. 3%
  2. 1%
  3. 10%
  4. 5%

Answer: B

4. Which of the following signs is identified as being a ‘red flag’ when looking after women in the perinatal period?

  1. persistent feelings of estrangement from their baby
  2. increased worry about the health of their baby
  3. a score of 10 according to the Edinburgh Post-natal Depression Scale
  4. increasingly feeling unable to cope with daily life

Answer: A

5. The current low risk unit drinking guidelines for men are ______.

  1. no more than 18 units per week
  2. no more than 4 units per day with at least 1 alcohol free day
  3. no more than 14 units per week on a regular basis
  4. depends on your height and weight

Answer: C

6. A person with serious mental illness has an increased risk of ______.

  1. cardiovascular disease
  2. metabolic syndromes
  3. experiencing stigma and discrimination
  4. all of these

Answer: D

7. Conditioning is a term generally associated with which theoretical model?

  1. cognitive model
  2. behavioural model
  3. social model
  4. bio-psychosocial model

Answer: B

8. Which of the following questions might be useful in identifying the possibility of depression in a person according to NICE guidelines [CG90]? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.

  1. During the last month, have you harmed yourself in anyway?
  2. During the last month, have you found that you are having difficulties concentrating and making decisions?
  3. During the last month, have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed or hopeless?
  4. During the last month, have you often been bothered by having little interest or pleasure in doing things?

Answer: C&D

9. The FAST screening tool is used to identify which of the following potential issues?

  1. alcohol misuse
  2. substance misuse
  3. post-natal depression
  4. foetal abnormalities

Answer: A

10. Which of the following is NOT a recommended treatment for anxiety disorder?

  1. counselling
  2. cognitive behavioural therapy
  3. guided self help
  4. relaxation techniques

Answer: A