Chapter 26: Care of the Adult with a Vascular Condition

1. Aneurysm is caused by ______.

  1. weakening of the artery walls
  2. bulging of the weakened artery walls
  3. thinning and progressive fragility of the artery walls
  4. all of these

Answer: D

2. An aneurysm is defined by enlargement of an artery by ______.

  1. 30% or more
  2. 40 % or more
  3. 50% or more
  4. 60% or more

Answer: C

3. An aneurysm requires surgical repair if it exceeds ______.

  1. 4.5 cm in size
  2. 5.5 cm in size
  3. 6.5 cm in size
  4. 7.5 cm in size

Answer: B

4. Peripheral arterial disease is a common condition that is likely to affect what percentage of over-60s?

  1. 5%
  2. 10%
  3. 15%
  4. 20%

Answer: D

5. PAD can be classified by the Fontaine system, which consists of how many levels?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Answer: C

6. A nursing assessment of blood supply to the lower limbs can be performed by palpating for pulses in the feet. A pulse that can be palpated in the feet is ______.

  1. dorsalis pedis
  2. popliteal
  3. femoral
  4. brachial

Answer: A & B

7. ABPI stands for ______.

  1. Aorta Brachial Pressure Index
  2. Ankle Brachial Pressure Index
  3. Abdominal Brachial Pressure Index
  4. Angina Brachial Pressure Index

Answer: B

8. Following an ABPI measurement, what score indicates severe PAD?

  1. less than 0.5
  2. 0.5–0.8
  3. 0.8–0.9
  4. 1.0–1.2

Answer: A

9. CLI stands for ______.

  1. cardiac limb ischaemia
  2. critical limb ischaemia
  3. cardiac limb indicator
  4. critical limb indicator

Answer: B

10. What is the ratio of people likely to sustain a deep venous thrombosis?

  1. 1:100
  2. 1:1000
  3. 1:10,000
  4. 1:100,000

Answer: B