Chapter 4: Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Harm
1. Which of the following best describes safeguarding?
- concerned with upholding people’s right to live safely, free from abuse and neglect
- concerned with protecting vulnerable adults
- concerned with taking action when abuse occurs
- concerned only with people living in community settings
2. Which of the following is NOT a principle that underpins safeguarding?
- empowerment
- punishment
- prevention
- accountability
3. Which of the following terms is currently used to refer in policy and legislation to adults who may require safeguarding?
- adults at risk of harm
- adults who have been abused
- vulnerable adults
- adults who are vulnerable
4. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 is concerned with ______.
- consent and capacity
- deprivation of liberty
- neglect and willful mistreatment
- all of these
5. According to the NMC with whom should you first raise concerns if you feel that an adult is, or is at risk of, being harmed?
- your professional regulator
- your immediate line manager
- the press or other media
- a higher level manager in your organization