What’s the evidence 25.1
Jaarsma et al. (‘A position statement of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professionals of the European Society of Cardiology’, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2014, 13(1), 9–21) examine the complexity of cardiac care and identify knowledge gaps in current research in regard to this provision.
- What are the upcoming challenges and developments in relation to cardiovascular care?
- What recommendations are put forward for future research?
Now read the article and consider whether you would draw the same conclusions as the authors.
A proposed response to these questions might include: The population of Europe is aging, owing to low birth rates and increasing longevity. This aging population is accompanied by an associated increase in the prevalence of chronic illnesses, such as CVD, and a rise in the demands placed on already over-stretched healthcare resources. The development of efficient care to meet the demands of an elderly population is therefore recommended.
The recommendations put forward for future research are provided with regard to: what – the areas to study; how – the methods and designs to use and; who – the teams involved and terms of funding.