Chapter 35: Care of the Adult with a Nutritional Condition

I am Margaret. Over the last 10 years I have been slowly gaining weight reaching 18 stones and 10 lb. I have three children who are 2 years, 6 years and 9 years old. Having the children hasn’t helped as I never seemed to lose weight after the birth. I thought that I led an active life running after the children and helping out with their activities. It has only been recently that I have felt breathless, when helping the children, that I realised that I had to do something about my weight.

Margaret went along to see her GP as she was concerned about feeling breathless. Margaret’s GP advised her to lose weight and has advised that she attend the practice nurse for advice and support.


  • What other information would you require from Margaret?
  • What would the benefits be to Margaret in losing weight?
  • What other advice might you give her?


You may have included in your answers:

  • Age, height, weight, exercise, diet
  • Lower cholesterol levels, lower blood sugar, reduce risk of heart disease, reduce blood pressure
  • Education regarding weight loss groups, dietary advice, exercise although start with simple activities like walking or something that you really enjoy.