Chapter 38: Leadership and management in children and young people’s nursing
The NMC Code (2015) contains the professional standards that registered children’s nurses must uphold to demonstrate effective leadership. It can act as a focus to reflect on and become more self-aware of your own leadership values and behaviours associated with the principles of collective, ethical, authentic and transformational leadership.
- How do you think the principles of collective, ethical, authentic and transformational leadership are demonstrated within the Code?
Answer: The Code contains a series of statements that taken together signify the values and behaviours of the nursing profession.
Collective leadership – sets out the responsibility and accountability for children to work with others to assure a culture of quality health and care based on best evidence
Ethical leadership – sets out the values and principles of ethical practice
Authentic leadership – focuses on behaviours grounded in staying true to the values and principles of the code
Transformational leadership – sets out the responsibility to promote change on the basis of the best evidence available and best practice
James is a 14-year-old boy who has a rapidly deteriorating health condition. James’s children’s community nurse Pamela arranged for an end-of-life care meeting to take place between key health and care professionals and James’s family. The purpose of the meeting was to agree an advanced care plan based on the essential care of James before, at the time of and after his death. Pamela took the lead role of managing and leading the meeting.
- What resources could Pamela have drawn upon to demonstrate effective leadership and management and relational transparency?
Answer: Together for Short Lives ( provides a useful resource to guide children’s nurses in the leadership and management of end-of-life care. It provides advice on working across interprofessional boundaries, creating environments where families and children can feel safe and effective communication methods.