Chapter 2: Effective communication with children and young people

1. Intrinsic factors important in the child’s development of language include:

  1. Mother to child attachment
  2. The social environment in which a child grows up
  3. Pre-programmed, biological influences
  4. Family communication patterns

Answer: C

2. Which of the options below is particularly important when communicating with a child aged between 3 and 5 years? 

  1. Spending time observing the child with their parents
  2. Using a soothing and calming tone
  3. Using simple, connected terms
  4. Using third party stories

Answer: C

3. Which of these is NOT one of the conflicting perspectives recognised by Lambert et al. (2010) in relation to children’s roles in healthcare interactions?

  1. Child as family member versus child as independent entity
  2. Toddler versus adolescent
  3. Child as powerless versus empowered child
  4. Child as becoming versus child as being

Answer: B

4. The term ‘passive bystander’ suggests that a child or young person is:

  1. Fully engaged in an interaction
  2. Not involved in an interaction at all
  3. Partly engaged in an interaction
  4. Marginal to an interaction

Answer: D

5. Which of the following best describes ‘associative play’?

  1. The child plays alone and maintains focus on their activity
  2. The child watches others at play, but does not join in
  3. The child is interested both in the people playing and in the activity they are doing, actively joining in with play
  4. The child is interested in the people playing, but not in co-ordinating their activities with other people

Answer: D