Chapter 30: Discharge planning and transfer for children and young people

1. What are the fundamental principles of discharge?

  1. Assessment, communication, knowledge sharing
  2. Assess, plan, implement and evaluate
  3. Situation, background, assessment, recommendation
  4. Communication, knowledge sharing, planning

Answer: A

2. What is closed loop communication?

  1. Message interpreted – received by sender – evaluated
  2. Ensure that discharge cycle is not broken
  3. All members of MDT are informed of discharge
  4. Sender transmits message – receiver acknowledges message – sender  verifies message

Answer: D

2. What is a simple discharge?

  1. Child discharged home the same day as admitted to hospital
  2. A child is discharged home with simple care needs
  3. No professionals need to be involved in discharge
  4. A child is discharged home with a chronic illness or exceptional needs

Answer: B

4. What is a complex discharge?

  1. A child is discharged home with simple health needs
  2. A Large MDT meeting must take place before discharge takes place
  3. A child is discharged home with a chronic illness or has exceptional needs with parents providing 24 hour care
  4. Parents not happy to be discharged home from hospital

Answer: C

5. Why is there an increase in inter-hospital transfers?

  1. Because of the needs to provide tertiary services regionally
  2. Because more children are becoming unwell
  3. Lack of beds
  4. Lack of staff to look after patients

Answer: A