Chapter 9: Safeguarding children and young people

1. In some situations there may be a concern that a child or young person may be suffering, or at risk of suffering significant harm. However, you may be unsure whether what has given rise to your concern constitutes ‘a reasonable cause to believe’. In these situations, the concern must .........

  1. Be ignored as you have no evidence
  2. Be left to someone more senior to deal with
  3. Be discussed in more detail with the family or child without any support
  4. Not be ignored and should be discussed with a lead safeguarding 

Answer: D

2. The four main categories of abuse are?

  1. Neglect, emotional, sexual and FGM
  2. Sexual, emotional, physical and FGM
  3. Sexual, physical, emotional and neglect
  4. Neglect, sexual, emotional and online

Answer: C

3. MASH stands for….

  1. Multiagency safeguarding children’s hub
  2. Multiple safeguarding children’s hub
  3. Multiagency safety children’s hub
  4. Multiagency safeguarding children’s home

Answer: A 

4. CSE stands for?

  1. Child sexual exploitation
  2. Child sexual experience
  3. Child serious exploitation
  4. Child sexual engagement

Answer: A 

5. Female Genital Mutilation leaves a female at risk of?

  1. Blood loss, vomiting and headaches
  2. Blood loss, infection, pain and urethra damage
  3. Blood loss, infection, pain and poverty
  4. Pain, infection, vomiting and urethra damage

Answer: B