28 Fluid & electrolyte imbalance
Fluid management is applicable to all placements, so the learning opportunities suggested here can apply to any placement that you go on. Before you go on placement, it will be helpful for you to:
- Revise pathophysiology for fluid electrolyte balance.
- Revise the renal system.
Things to familiarise yourself with:
- Fluid replacement strategies and policies applicable to the placement area.
- NICE guideline for Diarrhoea and Vomiting Caused by Gastroenteritis in Under 5’s: Diagnosis and Management.
- NICE guideline for Intravenous Fluid Therapy in Children and Young People.
- The formula for calculating daily fluid requirement.
- Fluid balance charts. Oral fluid balance and IV fluid balance charts are often laid out differently – ensure you know how to complete both accurately.