- List the long-term problems that James may have after his severe head injury.
Children like James who were previously fit and well can have devastating long-term problems after a severe TBI and their recovery can be very slow.
- Cognitive problems could include: altered personality, word processing problems, changes in or inappropriate behaviour
- Reduced mobility/motor problems (e.g. right sided weakness – he was previously right handed)
- Significant risk of developing long term seizures – epilepsy
- Loss of independence: unable to perform personal care – toilet care, etc.
- Dysphasia: difficulty in understanding and expressing himself
- Difficulties with eating and drinking
- What is the nurse’s role within the MDT team at the residential rehabilitation centre?
- Nursing care – maintain the activities of daily living
- Liaise with MDT re rehabilitation goals
- Daily routine – allow extra time and support, promote rest
- Cognitive issues – James may have difficulty with his memory – long term better but new memories re past and future – therefore important to provide orientation –time and place ongoing reinforcement
- Leisure – avoid over stimulation (limit screen time, music, etc. and promote rest)
- Administer prescribed medication
- Provide support to his parents and family
- Facilitate communication with MDT
- Providing psychological support (e.g. stress the importance of maintaining hope with his long-term prognosis while being realistic)
- Negotiating care – allow parents to be involved as much as they want to and do not over rely on them to be involved with all aspects of James’ care
- Show an awareness of parents juggling their everyday lives (work, other siblings, travel, etc.)
- Practical steps: equipment aids
- Environment – position in ward – need peace and quiet
- Environment around bed – specific needs