3: Hugo

 Amelia’s new-born son Hugo was born at 32 weeks and has been admitted to a special care baby unit. Hugo has been having daily blood sampling using a heel lance, which appears to be causing him distress. Amelia is anxious to know what may be done to help Hugo during this procedure.

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› Suggested answers

Jenny is Hugo’s nurse. She has already read the Guidelines for Procedural Pain in the Newborn (Lago et al., 2009). She is aware of the options that are available to Hugo for this procedure including skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding and the advantages of using a spring-loaded lancet rather than a manual technique. Jenny has also read about the management of painful procedures in the neonate, in the Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists (2012) Good Practice in Postoperative and Procedural Pain Management, and has identified that venepuncture by a trained health professional is less painful to the neonate than heel lance when larger samples are required.