9: Patricia's Family
Patricia is a 32 year old mother of 4 children:
Twins Marina and Daniel 18 months old
Carla 3 years old
Yasmin 7 years old.
Patricia lives in a three-bedroom rented house with her children. Her husband Joseph works as a builder and due to the current economic climate left the family home to find casual work. He is often away for weeks or months at a time. Patricia worked as a health care assistant in a nursing home but has not worked since having the twins.
Following the birth of her twins Patricia was diagnosed with post-natal depression. She received support from community mental health and a health visitor, but she stopped accessing the service.
The oldest child Yasmin attends a local primary school where staff were becoming concerned about the amount of times she was either later or absent from school. The Head teacher has a meeting with Patricia where she broke down stating that she was not coping and struggles to care for her children now her husband is not around. She said she sometimes feels like walking away forever!! She told the head teacher she was desperate and needed help.
The head teacher contacted the local authority Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) for advice.
- Consider interventions that the MASH team could put into place to support Patricia and her family.
- What services are available in your local area to support Patricia and her family?
The Modern Slavery Act (2015) is now law in the United Kingdom and can be accessed from the following website: www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2015/30/contents/enacted.
The bill covers all the current concerns and procedures linking to the trafficking of all human beings and will be useful to anyone who wishes to learn more on the history of trafficking and the current situation.[CB1]