Essentials of Nursing Practice
Student Resources
Chapter 10: Delivering effective care
Case study 10.1: Katie
The ‘Patient’s Voice’ and ‘Student’s Voice’ boxes highlight the following important elements, which I would consider are important in preparing Katie for theatre:
- To listen to Katie and her mum in order that I could tailor the care to meet her individual needs and provide patient centred care. Note: A model is likely to be utilized in the clinical area and I should familiarize myself with this. I should also familiarize myself with the relevant documentation utilized in relation to a surgical procedure, for example, consent form, medicine kardex etc in respect to preoperative preparation. It is also essential that I am supervised by my mentor and also to acknowledge my limitations. If in doubt – ask!
- To consider my practice from a professional, legal and ethical perspective i.e. what is expected of me professionally? Note: The NMC Code should underpin what I do. I was provided with a copy by my university but I know that I can also access this online. This is a very useful source of reference.
- Is there a specific policy within the clinical placement area, which I should follow in order to ensure that all of the necessary preparation/safety checks have been carried out in preparing Katie for theatre? Note: I should discuss this further with my mentor in order that I am aware of the local policies and procedures.
- This is a valuable learning opportunity and should form part of my learning agreement and help contribute towards achieving some of my competencies. This experience will also contribute to my knowledge base and confidence. Note: I should discuss and reflect upon this experience with my mentor.
- What is the legal age of consent? In this instance because Katie is only 10 years old, consent would be obtained from her mum as her parent/guardian. The explanation is usually provided by the medical staff but this is a valuable opportunity to observe this being carried out. This also links to the Patient’s Voice box and the importance of a clear explanation and the importance of communication when more than one staff member is involved in the provision of care. Note: What information is available in relation to the recovery period? Is written information available?
- What ethical principles are important in preparing Katie for theatre? Consideration must be given to: beneficence, maleficience, justice, veracity and autonomy. How do I contribute to upholding these? Note: I will refer to the other sections within this book and my lecture notes in order to inform my knowledge base.
Case study 10.2: Julie
You may wish to consider the six dimensions suggested by the Institute of Medicine or the main headings in Tables 1.2 and 1.3 in order to focus your answer.
The six dimensions of quality care provision are: person centred care, safe, effective, efficient, equitable and timely.
The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHS Scotland (Table 1.2): caring and compassionate staff and services, clear communication and explanation about conditions and treatment, effective collaboration between clinicians, patients and others, a clean and safe care environment, continuity of care, clinical excellence.
The Compassion in Practice, Nursing, Midwifery and Care Staff, Our Vision and Strategy: the 6Cs (Table 1.3): care, compassion, confidence, communication, courage, commitment.
Anticipated Response
A wide variety of responses is anticipated. However, an example has been provided for illustration.
Example: Do you feel that you received a clear explanation in relation to the care and treatment provided? Do you feel that you have been treated with dignity and respect? Are you happy with the care that you have received? Are you able to contact the staff providing your care in order to discuss any concerns that you may have? etc.