Essentials of Nursing Practice
Student Resources
Chapter 2: Being a student nurse
Case study 2.1: Amina and Dave
Do Amina and Dave's actions uphold the NMC (2015) code? If not, why not?
Amina and Dave have to remember that they must uphold the NMC (2011) Guidance on professional conduct at all times, not just whilst they are on placement or in class. Their actions of drinking alcohol in a bar and putting red dye and washing-up liquid in the fountain in the university square, whilst wearing their nursing uniforms, does not uphold the reputation of their profession. A nursing uniform should only be worn when on duty caring for patients, and whilst it is not an expectation that nursing students and registered nurses never drink alcohol or have fun with their friends, they must always remember that their actions may be seen by members of the public who will expect them to act in a responsible manner. To become a registered nurse and remain so all nurses must abide by the NMC Fitness to Practise regulations, so it is essential to ensure at all times that your conduct is professional.
Case study: 2.2: Billie
Is it necessary for Billie to tell her university what has happened?
Billie must tell her university what has happened, firstly because her ability to act as a professional is under doubt and secondly because it is likely that she has already signed an agreement with the university (at the start of her course) saying that if anything such as this occurs she will tell them.
Whilst it could be considered that Billie has already failed to abide by the principles of the NMC (2011) Guidance on professional conduct by driving under the influence of alcohol, not informing her university of the situation further fails to uphold the principles, as she then is also not being open and honest. These circumstances are very serious and it is likely that her university will review her case in light of the NMC Fitness to practise regulations, to ensure that she is fit to remain on the course. As long as Billie’s conduct has been exemplary apart from this incident it is possible that she will be given a formal warning but allowed to continue.