Chapter 10: Delivering effective care

Multiple choice

1. Which of the following is a mental health nursing model?

  1. King
  2. Neuman
  3. Casey
  4. Peplau

Answer: D

2. When looking for evidence this may involve using electronic databases such as ______.

  2. Firefox
  3. Google
  4. Microsoft

Answer: A

3. Sources of literature include ______.

  1. books
  2. internet
  3. journals
  4. all of these

Answer: D


Fill in the blanks

1. BNI stands for ______ focusing primarily on British journals.

  1. British National Index
  2. Brand New Information
  3. British Nursing Index
  4. British Nursing Information

Answer: C

2. A form of testing that is used to measure a student’s clinical competence.

  1. OSCE
  2. MCQ
  3. short question answers
  4. TEST

Answer: A

3. Nursing is often described as a ______ profession

  1. caring
  2. sharing
  3. knowing
  4. doing

Answer: A

4. Benchmarks allow the standards of care to be ______.

  1. copied
  2. shared
  3. measured
  4. weighed

Answer: C

5. Which one is not included in the Five Essential Skills clusters?

  1. Care, Compassion and Communication
  2. Medication Management
  3. Basic Life Support
  4. Infection Prevention and Control

Answer: C

6. In order to deliver care to a patient we must obtain ______.

  1. paperwork
  2. consent
  3. assistance
  4. capacity

Answer: B

7. How many shared capabilities are there?

  1. 12
  2. 10
  3. 8
  4. 6

Answer: B