Chapter 20: Safeguarding

Multiple choice

1. What is the Francis Report (2013) mainly concerned with?

  1. a report into the state of nursing care in the UK
  2. a report into the failings at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust
  3. a report into the effectiveness of hand washing in the NHS
  4. a report into the use of psychotropic medication in the treatment of psychiatric illness

Answer: B

2. If you believe that a colleague or anyone else may be putting someone at risk, you must ______.

  1. give yourself plenty of time to think about it
  2. take your time in doing something about it
  3. act without delay
  4. speak to as many people as possible before acting

Answer: C

3. If you have a concern in practice you should first ______.

  1. phone your local newspaper
  2. post a message on Twitter or Facebook
  3. tell everyone in the clinical area
  4. raise the concern internally with your line manager or mentor

Answer: D

4. Questioning and reflective practice should always be ______.

  1. encouraged
  2. undertaken only in the classroom
  3. discussed with experienced people
  4. undertaken when you have plenty of time

Answer: A

5. The responsibility for safeguarding is ______.

  1. for the multi-disciplinary safeguarding team only
  2. with the police
  3. everyone’s responsibility
  4. only for senior managers

Answer: C

6. Safeguarding is ______.

  1. just about keeping people safe
  2. about stopping people taking risks
  3. a proactive approach which includes a range of activity aimed at upholding a person’s fundamental right to be safe.
  4. concerned with not making mistakes.

Answer: C

7. Name three of the six safeguarding principles for health professionals advocated by the Department of Health (2011).

  1. empowerment, accountability and training
  2. empowerment, protection and accountability
  3. protection, preparation and listening
  4. prevention, compassion and dignity

Answer: B

8. In terms of who is vulnerable or at risk of abuse, ______.

  1. it is only older people who are at risk of abuse
  2. it is only children who are at risk of abuse
  3. everyone is vulnerable to the risk of abuse
  4. only people with learning disabilities and mental health issues are at risk of abuse

Answer: C

9. Research undertaken by people with learning disabilities into their experiences of abuse highlights three important actions.

  1. Listen to us, believe what we say and do something about it.
  2. Don’t listen to us as we don’t make sense or have little understanding.
  3. Don’t believe what we say as we have a learning disability and don’t know the difference between right and wrong.
  4. Don’t do anything as we don’t care what happens as we have no feelings.

Answer: A

10. What is abuse?

  1. just hitting and slapping people
  2. swearing and shouting at patients
  3. not providing basic care
  4. all of these

Answer: D