Chapter 5: Ethics

Multiple choice

1. Ethics is said to ______.

  1. give us clear answers as to what is right
  2. give us clear answers as to what is wrong
  3. encourage us to explore different perspectives

Answer: C

2. Nurses should ______.

  1. ignore their personal values when acting in a professional role
  2. uphold professional values but be aware of personal values
  3. be aware of professional values and always act on personal values

Answer: B

3. An ethical dilemma is ______.

  1. where a decision is required but different values seem to conflict and it is not possible to uphold both
  2. where the required course of action is clear
  3. any situation where a decision has to be made

Answer: A

4. A utilitarian approach to ethics is concerned with ______.

  1. what motivates us to act in particular ways
  2. the consequences of our decisions
  3. maximising the goo/ benefit and minimising the harm that arises from our decisions

Answer: C

5. A consequentialist approach to ethics is concerned with ______.

  1. the values that underpin our decisions
  2. the consequences of our decisions
  3. our duties

Answer: B

6. Beneficence is concerned with ______.

  1. doing good
  2. avoiding harm
  3. respecting people

Answer: A

7. Autonomy is concerned with ______.

  1. respecting people’s right to be self-determining
  2. stopping people making their own decisions
  3. making sure that people make the right decisions

Answer: A

8. Justice is concerned with ______.

  1. the law
  2. equality and fairness
  3. treating everyone the same

Answer: B

9. Non-maleficence is concerned with ______.

  1. doing good
  2. not intervening
  3. not doing harm

Answer: C

10. Ethical decision making frameworks ______.

  1. give us the answers to ethical dilemmas
  2. are all the same
  3. provide us with different frameworks to help us identify key issues and arrive a plan of action with a clear rationale

Answer: C