Essentials of Nursing Practice
Student Resources
Chapter 1: What is nursing and what is a nurse?
1. Nurses apply knowledge from ______ and ______ science, nursing, legal and ______ theory and technology to the care they provide.
Answer: physical / social/ ethical
2. What are the core nursing elements which underpin the profession as a whole?
Answer: The core elements underpinning the profession as a whole are assisting patients with physical needs, counselling a patient or group of patients, supporting patients to recover or to cope with their needs more effectively, helping children and young people to manage their health by developing partnerships in care with families, delivering educational programmes to promote the health of a community or supporting an individual with a long-term condition to live independently.
3. Nurses care for individuals of ______ ages, who do not have to be ______.
Answer: all / sick
4. To protect the public, in many countries, what a nurse is allowed to do is governed by ______.
Answer: law
5. How long has a register been kept of all the nurses in the UK?
Answer: It has been compulsory for nurses practicing in the UK to be on a register since 1919.
6. What does being registered as a nurse with the NMC show?
Answer: Being registered as a nurse with the NMC shows that the individual has achieved a standard of nursing education and skill competence which enables them to deliver safe and effective care.
7. What have the most recent changes in nurse education strengthened?
Answer: The most recent changes in nurse education have been made to ensure patients receive safe, effective and compassionate care at all times.
8. Learning disability nurses have good communication, assessment and person centred planning skills and values grounded in ______, inclusion and ______.
Answer: equality/human rights
9. Mental health nurses use ______ methods to promote ______ and ______ relationships.
Answer: supportive/positive/therapeutic
10. Why is it important for children’s nurses to aim to maintain a child’s normal daily routine?
Answer: It is important for children’s nurses to aim to maintain a child’s normal daily routine because children find being away from their usual environment distressing and disruptive to the life of their entire family.
11. What areas of nursing can adult health nurses specialise within?
Answer: Adult health nurses can specialise within the areas of Cancer Care, Intensive Care nursing, Surgical nursing or the Care of Older people.
12. Acting in a professional manner is ______ to being a nurse.
Answer: fundamental
13. Why is it important for student nurses to maintain the standards set by the NMC?
Answer: Maintaining these Standards is an important aspect of being a student nurse. Firstly, because members of the public will see you as a nurse, even though you are still learning and secondly, in preparation for upholding the strict professional Standards when you complete your course.
14. What are the 6C’s of nursing?
Answer: The 6C’s of nursing are care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment.
15. Why is it important to listen to the views of patients?
Answer: t is important to listen to the views of patients, because by doing this it becomes clear what they value which will enable us to ensure we deliver the best possible care.