Chapter 13: Patient, service user, family and carer perspectives
1. We don’t always appreciate the effect some of the words and terminology we use every day in healthcare might have for service users. What messages or impact might some phrases and terms have?
Answer: power imbalance, labelling, stigmatising, loss of autonomy
2. The new NMC Standards for Pre-registration Nurse Education (2017) use what term to refer to those for whom nurses provide support and care.
3. What are the three main themes highlighted as being the essential elements of patient centred care in the research conducted by Kvåle and Bondevik (2008)?
Answer: empowerment, shared decision making and partnership
4. What roles might an informal carer undertake?
Answer: personal hygiene, administrative tasks, financial management, socialising, domestic work
5. How might you ensure a service user feels fully involved in the planning of their individualised care package?
Answer: collaborative care planning, effective communication, shared decision making, respect, time