Chapter 16: Communication and interpersonal skills in challenging circumstances

1. Communication can be intended or ______

Answer: unintended

2. Never refer to the person in their presence in the ______ person, i.e. ‘he’ or ‘she’.

Answer: third

3. What does the abbreviation AAC stand for?

Answer: Augmentative or Alternative Communication

4. When talking to a depressed person, it is important to consider how many questions you ask and how frequently you ask questions. This is known as ______.

Answer: pacing

5. In challenging situations, such as when a person is angry, the use of therapeutic touch is ______

Answer: not advisable

6. What is active listening?

Answer: Demonstrating that you are listening to the person and hearing what they have to say.

7. Nelson-Jones (2012) suggests that you should pay attention to your body language when to encourage the person to talk by adopting a ______ body posture

Answer: relaxed and open

8. What is a reflective statement?

Answer: A statement which allows you to reflect back what the person has said.

9. A reflective statement where a remark is reflected back to the patient in a slightly different way using synonyms is known as ______.

Answer: rephrasing

10. ‘Open-ended’ questions are also known as ______.

Answer: ‘door-openers’

11. What are affirming statements?

Answer: They are a way of demonstrating an empathic understanding, recognition and acknowledgement of the difficulties the patient is experiencing or has experienced.

12. ______ is the process of drawing together material that has been discussed and it shows that you have been listening actively.

Answer: Summarising

13. People who are angry need more ______ and the situation may be escalate if you stand too close.

Answer: personal space

14. Assertiveness is an ______that ‘attends to and informs others of one’s own needs and feelings, and sends the message to the other in such a way that neither person is belittled, put down or blamed’ (Porritt 1990, 98).

Answer: interpersonal behaviour

15. It is vital that if you have been involved in such situations that you are offered and receive ______.

Answer: support