Chapter 32: Assisting patients with their hygiene needs
1. Why should you encourage patients to participate in their hygiene care?
Answer: to promote independence
2. While maintaining hygiene describes the physical act of cleansing the body, this activity is closely linked with the provision of ______ care which maintains ______, ______, self-esteem and a ______ body image, all of which are integral aspects of nursing practice.
Answer: compassionate / comfort / dignity / positive
3. What are our personal hygiene practices formed by?
Answer: We all have personal hygiene practices, formed by our culture, the practices of our family and our own choices.
4. How can using ‘CLEAN’ assist you with a patient’s hygiene needs?
Answer: Following the “CLEAN” approach ensures you promote patient independence, take account of patient preferences, treat them as individuals and maintain their dignity. Remember that, as a nurse, it is your role to assist a patient to maintain their hygiene, not only to keep them physically clean but, just as importantly, for personal, social and psychological reasons.
5. If a patient behaves in a challenging or an inappropriate way whilst you are assisting them with their hygiene needs, what should you do?
Answer: De-escalate the situation by using effective communication skills. Be empathetic and non-confrontational; minimise any threat; negotiate, compromise, agree to reasonable requests, distract them and, if appropriate, offer a change of nurse. Consider leaving and returning, as long as patient safety is not compromised. This will give the patient ‘time out’, which may be all that is necessary. Be understanding and tolerant. Intimate hygiene care can be misinterpreted, so view the situation from the patient’s perspective and be reassuring and non-judgemental. Disapprove of the behaviour, not the individual (adapted from NHS, 2013).
6. What is the key to maintaining a patients hygiene?
Answer: The key to maintaining a patient’s hygiene is to carry out very personal and intimate activities in a dignified and compassionate manner.