Chapter 20: Safeguarding

The two web links below are to organisations who wish to improve the dignity and respect shown to those who are cared for by professionals, particularly in residential or hospital care.

The following links are to websites of organisations which support victims of abuse or are concerned with improving safeguarding:

    The NSPCC website has some very helpful resources and information on child safeguarding.

    Action on Elder Abuse is a national charity devoted to fighting the abuse of older people.

    CQC provides full whistleblowing guidance for people who work for providers registered with CQC.

    Public Concern at Work is the leading independent UK authority on whistleblowing. It provides confidential advice to individuals who witness wrongdoing at work and are unsure about whether or how to raise a concern.

    Mencap fights for equal rights for all people with a learning disability. Campaigns have included ‘Out of Sight’, seeking to help stop the abuse and neglect of people with a learning disability in institutions like Winterbourne View; the ‘R-word campaign’ to stop verbal abuse using offensive names; health; and the ‘Stand by me’ campaign to tackle disability hate crime.