General Resources

Evaluation Report Layout Checklist

Use this diagnostic guide to identify elements of evaluation reports that could be enhanced using graphic design best practices and/or the assistance of a graphic design expert.

Download the Evaluation Report Layout Checklist here.

Slide Deck Planning Sheet

When it's time to think about the design and layout of your slideshow, print out several of these sheets and step away from your computer. Take 15 minutes and sketch some slide ideas. Make multiple options for single slides, if you'd like. Jot down some of the main ideas you need to express on that slide. Doodle. Erase. Brainstorm. Then get back on the computer and bring it to life.

Download the Slide Deck Planning Sheet here.

Rule of Thirds Template

This is a standard PowerPoint template (Office 2010) with the Rule of Thirds drawn in. The Rule of Thirds is a handy way of dividing up the space on a slide to guide where to place text boxes and graphics. Generally designers suggest you use the lines in one of two ways:

1) Make your graphic or text consume just one of the rows or columns. Or two. Or even all three.

2) Put your focal points (i.e., keywords, poignant image) at the points where the lines intersect.

I drew in lines to create the thirds for you but you'll want to reposition the text boxes, for example, to align with whichever way you will use the Rule of Thirds to support your slide development process.

The lines were drawn in the Slide Master. They will appear on every slide as you make it. When you are finished with slide construction, get rid of the lines by clicking View > Slide Master. Then delete the lines from the very top box, the one that is largest. This will remove the lines from the other slides in the master view and from all of your developed slides.

Download the Rules of Thirds Template and design!

Style Sheets

Style sheets are short documents that describe the design decisions that have been made, in terms of colors, fonts, layout, etc., to be used throughout an entire project. Style sheets keep everyone on track, no matter who is creating a new product. They include logos, color codes, image sizes, and other critically important details to create a consistent and understandable look.

Download the Style Sheet Template to see the elements that should be documented and make adjustments to the template for your own project.

Sample Style Sheets

Sample Style Sheet 1

Sample Style Sheet 2