SAGE Journal Articles

Access to full-text SAGE journal articles that have been carefully selected to support and expand on the concepts presented in each chapter. Journal articles can act as an ideal resource to help support your assignments and studies.

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Journal Article 6.1: Ployhart, R. E., & Vandenberg, R. J. (2010). Longitudinal research: The theory, design, and analysis of change. Journal of Management, 36(1), 94-120.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. What is longitudinal research?
  2. Describe the numerous theoretical issues that must be considered when conceptualizing a longitudinal study.
  3. What are the various analytical issues and approaches that are unique to longitudinal research?
  4. Is there a minimum number of repeated measures for a longitudinal design?


Journal Article 6.2: Wagner, T. D. (2005). The neural bases of placebo effects in pain. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14(4), 175-179.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. What is a placebo effect?
  2. Describe the effects of placebo on pain.
  3. Discuss the process of placebo treatment.
  4. Discuss the benefits of studying placebos.


Journal Article 6.3: Green, J. (2010). Points of intersection between randomized experiments and quasi-experiments. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 628(1), 97-111.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. What are quasi-experiments?
  2. Discuss the threats to internal validity using quasi-experiments.
  3. Discuss the threats to external validity using pure experiments.
  4. Compare/contrast quasi-experiments and true experiments.