Video and Multimedia

Watch and learn! Carefully selected videos will help bring key concepts and theories to life, preparing you for your studies and exams.

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Audio Links


Video Links

  • Internal Validity
    This video discusses nine threats to internal validity.

  • External Validity
    This video discusses threats to external validity.

  • Pre-Test and Post-Test Measures
    This video covers a variety of types of pre- and post-tests for measuring program outcomes, including written surveys/questionnaires as well as participatory methods. You will learn about ways to increase the validity of your pre- and post-test measures, how to use your program objectives to develop good survey questions, tips for effective question ordering, and the use of retrospective pre- and post-tests.


Web Exercises

  • Try out the process of randomization. Go to the Web site Type numbers into the ran­domizer for an experiment with 2 groups and 20 individu­als per group. Repeat the process for an experiment with 4 groups and 10 individuals per group. Plot the numbers corresponding to each individual in each group. Does the distribution of numbers within each group truly seem to be random?

  • Participate in a social psychology experiment on the Web. Go to Pick an exper­iment in which to participate and follow the instructions. After you finish, write up a description of the experiment and evaluate it using the criteria discussed in the chapter.