Web Resources

¡Colorín colorado! ELL Resources for Educators, http://www.colorincolorado.org/educators/

This English/Spanish bilingual site offers ideas for how to effectively reach out to ELL students and their families. There are also downloadable reading tip sheets for families of preschoolers through third-graders in 11 languages.

Family Communications, www.fredrogers.org

A nonprofit organization founded in 1971 by Fred Rogers, this site encourages families with “important talk”—talk about thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Parent resource articles support communication with the children in their lives. Neighborhood newsletters offer resources for parents and educators on dealing with communication issues.

Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center, https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc

This site offers resources on building relationships with families, especially those with cultural or linguistic differences.

The Whole Child, sponsored by PBS, www.pbs.org/wholechild/providers/f-s.html

Links to series on PBS, available through video cassettes, and telecourses. Look for the article on “Establishing Strong Family-School Communications,” as well as many others on family communication.