Web Activities
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There are many ways to measure subjective well-being (positive emotions, happiness, life satisfaction, etc.). However, both of them are predicted by high extraversion and low neuroticism. First, answer these two questions to measure extraversion and neuroticism and then use the calculator below to determine the multiple regression equation.
Instruction: How well do the following statements describe your personality? I see myself as someone who is outgoing, sociable, and gets nervous easily.
Web Activities
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
There are many ways to measure subjective well-being (positive emotions, happiness, life satisfaction, etc.). However, both of them are predicted by high extraversion and low neuroticism. First, answer these two questions to measure extraversion and neuroticism and then use the calculator below to determine the multiple regression equation.
Instruction: How well do the following statements describe your personality? I see myself as someone who is outgoing, sociable, and gets nervous easily.
1 = Disagree strongly; 5 = Agree strongly
Calculate a multiple regression equation
Go to this website: http://www.socscistatistics.com/tests/multipleregression/Default.aspx
Happiness is often predicted by high extraversion and low neuroticism. First, answer the follow question.
I see myself as someone who is happy with life.
1 = Disagree strongly; 5 = Agree strongly
Now, using the multiple regression calculator determine the regression equation with extraversion (X1) and neuroticism (X2) predicting happiness (Y).
Calculate a multiple regression equation
Go to this website: http://www.socscistatistics.com/tests/multipleregression/Default.aspx
Life satisfaction is often predicted by high extraversion and low neuroticism. First, answer the follow question.
I see myself as someone who is satisfied with life.
1 = Disagree strongly; 5 = Agree strongly
Now, using the multiple regression calculator determine the regression equation with extraversion (X1) and neuroticism (X2) predicting life satisfaction (Y).
Think of three simple questions that you can post on social media to determine the regression equation for two variable predicting a third
Go to this website: http://www.socscistatistics.com/tests/pearson/Default2.aspx
Using the three answers you asked of your friends, use the calculator determine the regression equation with X1 and X2 predicting Y.