Welcome to the Companion Website
This site is intended to enhance your use of Social Welfare Policy and Advocacy by Bruce S. Jansson. Please note that all the materials on this site are especially geared toward maximizing your understanding of the material.
Social Welfare Policy and Advocacy: Advancing Social Justice through 8 Policy Sectors provides the first framework that links micro, mezzo, and macro policy advocacy, demonstrating how each type can be used to promote social justice in health, gerontology, safety net, child welfare, education, immigrants/global, mental health, and criminal justice sectors. Author Bruce S. Jansson identifies seven core problems within each sector as well as the skills social workers need, the challenges they face, and the interventions they can use at each level of advocacy. Integrated vignettes, video clips, and robust resources underscore the text's hands-on, advocacy approach. Relevant to many Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) including policy practice, the book is designed for policy foundation courses.
We gratefully acknowledge Bruce S. Jansson for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due to Hilina Gudeta, Video Editor, and Rafael Angulo, Videographer and Interviewer, both of the University of Southern California, for creating and producing the Video Interviews. We thank Joyce Lee Taylor of the Springfield College School of Social Work for creating the Test Bank and PowerPoints, and Cheri Sinnott of the College of Lake County for creating the web quizzes and web exercises on this site.
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