SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1:

Grodofsky, M.M. (2012). Community-based human rights advocacy practice and peace education. International Social Work, 55(5), pp. 740-753.

This article reviews the relationship between community-based human rights advocacy practice and peace education.  It explores ways in which the two strategies can enhance social work practice that promotes the advancement of sustainable peace in regions that experience significant political conflict. 

Questions to Consider:

1. What is the difference between direct peace education and indirect peace education?

2. What changes were experienced by the social work professionals as they moved through the training process?

3. What strategies were implemented as a result of the training, and what was their impact?


Article 2:

Bradley, J.M., Werth, J.L., & Hastings, S.L. (2012). Social Justice Advocacy in Rural Communities: Practical Issues and Implications. The Counseling Psychologist, 40(3), pp. 363-384.

The authors identify a framework for utilizing advocacy skills in rural areas, where practitioners may be more involved in the community.  There may be a limited number of mental health professionals and few resources in these communities.

Questions to Consider:

1. In what ways might a rural environment impact a professional’s decision to share information on personal political persuasion?

2. What are some of the challenges for mental health practitioners in rural communities?

3. What are some of the potential impacts of advocacy on a rural community?