Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology
Third Edition
SAGE Journal Articles
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Kilger, S. (1971). The grand illusion in teaching language. RELC, 2, 68-79.
- The author discusses a mechanism known as the language acquisition device or LAD. What is the function of the LAD?
- How does the author distinguish between the concepts of deep structure and surface structure?
- How is chunking related to learning language?
- According to the author, how does transformational theory provide a model for teaching language?
Urquhart, C. (1979). Reading, looking, and learning. Journal of Information Science, 1, 333-344.
- What are the properties of printed language that are considered by the author to influence the reading process?
- How do a reader’s expectations aid text comprehension?
- In the article, the author reviews research on techniques designed to increase reading speed. According to the author, what evidence is there against the effectiveness of methods used to improve reading speed? What factor does the author suggest as important for success at becoming a speed reader?