This website offers a huge range of further resources to help you undertake research in early childhood, including:
- Exclusive author videos, with lots of tips and advice on conducting your research
- Multiple choice quizzes to test your methods knowledge
- Free journal articles to further your reading
- Activities to help you think more critically about early childhood research
- An interactive flashcard glossary – a really useful revision tool!
- SAGE Research Methods videos to apply your knowedge to practical situations
For instructors this book also boasts some fantastic resources to help support their teaching, including:
- PowerPoints a chapter-by-chapter summary of the book’s key points
- Testbank of questions linked to each chapter’s learning objectives which you can use to set assignments or exams. These testbank MCQs were written by Nyree Nicholson, Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood at Bishop Grosseteste University.
- Media guide listing all the great video resources available with this book along with their critical thinking questions, enabling you to use the video supporting this book in class – Coming soon!
- Course Cartridge containing all the fantastic resources on this companion website in one easy to use zip file which you can quickly upload into your universities learning environment and customise to suit your teaching needs
For instructors
Access resources that are only available to Faculty and Administrative Staff.
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