Test your understanding of each chapter by taking the quiz below. Click anywhere on the question to reveal the answer. Good luck!
1. A structured interview is one
- That follows a pre-set list of open questions
- Where the participant has to choose between a small list of possible responses
- The interview is structured around photographs which the participant has taken
- Where a group of participants is asked questions according to a set order, for example the oldest participant first
2. Transcribing interviews
- Involves copying down the words that the participant has spoken
- Involves indicating the meaning contained in pitch and intonation, etc.
- Can be undertaken by computer
- All of the above
3. Choose the most appropriate statement:
- Interviews are always qualitative in nature
- Interviews and questionnaires are never used in the same research study
- Interviews can be used in surveys, action research and case studies
- Interviews are always held face to face
4. Choose the most appropriate statement
- Focus groups are suitable for children aged 3–4
- Focus groups for children work because they are familiar with discussing topics in a group
- Focus groups for children never work because their attention span is too short
- Focus groups for children are unsuitable because they only repeat what their friend has said
5. What is meant by a probing question?
- One used by the interviewer to help the participant go into more detail or clarify a statement
- One that a participant asks to find out the real aim of the study
- One asked by the interviewer to find out if the participant is aware of what other participants have said
- A question that is used to find out information that the participant would normally never reveal to a stranger