Select SAGE Journal articles are available to give you even more insight into chapter topics. These are also an ideal resource to help support your literature reviews, dissertations and assignments.
Click on the following links which will open in a new window.
Burman, E. (2004) ‘Organising for Change? Group-Analytic Perspectives on a Feminist Action Research Project’, Group Analysis, 37(1): 91–108.
Bentley, Y., Richardson, D., Duan, Y., Philpott, E., Ong, V. and Owen, D. (2013) ‘Research-Informed Curriculum Design for a Master’s Level Program in Project Management’, Journal of Management Education, 37(5): 651–682.
Conklin, T.A. (2013) ‘Making It Personal: The Importance of Student Experience in Creating Autonomy-Supportive Classrooms for Millennial Learners’, Journal of Management Education, 37(4): 499–538.