Essentials of Nursing Adults
Student Resources
SAGE Journal Articles
The following SAGE journal articles appropriate to the below chapters are free to access.
Chapter 1: The Changing World of Healthcare
Description: Discusses the implementation of and responses from the nursing, medical, and policy community to nurse-performed endoscopy.
Description: Explores the potential for creating a professional health and social care graduate workforce which meets the needs of integrated service delivery.
Journal Article 1.3: Stokes, J., Checkland, K., & Kirstensen, S. R. (2016). Integrated care: Theory to practice. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 21(4), 282-285.
Description: Examines the practical application of integrated care in the NHS in England.
Chapter 2: Person-centred Care
Journal Article 2.1: Morgan, S., & Yoder, L. H. (2012, March). A concept analysis of person-centered care. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 30(1), 6-15.
Description: The term person-centered care (PCC) has been frequently used in the literature, but there is no consensus about its meaning. This article uses Walker and Avants’s method of concept analysis as a framework to analyze PCC.
Journal Article 2.2: Moody, L., Nicholls, B., Shamji, H., Bridge, E., Dhanju, S., & Singh, S. (2018). The person-centred care guideline. From principle to practice. Journal of Patient Experience, 1-7.
Description: This article describes the dissemination of the PCC guideline in practice.
Chapter 3: Professional Values
Journal Article 3.1: Gallagher, A. (2013). Values for contemporary nursing practice: Waving or drowning? Nursing Ethics, 20(6), 615-616.
Description: An interesting opinion piece that looks at the problems of the plethora of different values statements for nursing.
Journal Article 3.2: Jones, J., Strube, P., Mitchell, M., & Henderson, A. (2017). Conflicts and con-fusions confounding compassion in acute care. Creating dialogical moral space. Nursing Ethics, 1-8.
Description: Looks at the value of finding space to reflect on and make sense of conflicts that take place in practice
Journal Article 3.3: Leininger, M. (2002). Culture care theory: A major contribution to advance transcultural nursing knowledge and practices. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(3), 189-192.
Description: A seminal paper on Leininger’s culture care theory which underpins much of the work on cultural competence today.
Journal Article 3.4: Shafakhah, M., Molazem, Z., Khademi, M., & Sharif, F. (2018). Facilitators and inhibitors in developing professional values in nursing students. Nursing Ethics, 25(2), 153-164.
Description: This study looks at the facilitators and inhibitors of the development and manifestation of professional values based on the experiences of nursing students and instructors and nurses.
Journal Article 3.5: Snelling, P. (2015). Can the revised UK code direct practice? Nursing Ethics, 24(4), 392-407.
Description: A provocative article proposing that the NMC Code (2015) fails to meet its purpose in guiding nurses.
Chapter 4: Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Harm
Description: This link takes you to a paper by Northway et al. that reports on a research study that explored how people with learning disabilities feel about abuse. It provides you with an insight into abuse from the perspective of people who may be at risk of harm.
Journal Article 4.2: Sarvimaki, A., & Stenbock-Hult, B. (2016). The meaning of vulnerability to older persons. Nursing Ethics, 23(4), 372-383.
Description: This link takes you to a paper by Sarvimaki and Stenbock-Hult that explores vulnerability from the perspective of older people. One theme that emerges is feeling violated and harmed.
Description: This link takes you to a paper by Carpenter et al. that explores how professionals make decisions concerning Deprivation of Liberties in the context of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Chapter 5: Patient Safety
Description: A survey of industry practitioners to determine their perspectives on the use of human and organizational analysis as part of current incident investigation processes.
Journal Article 5.2: Hazan, J. (2016). Incident reporting and a culture of safety. Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management, 22(5-6), 83-87.
Description: This article revisits the background and purpose of incident reporting in healthcare, discusses some of the barriers to effective reporting and suggests some approaches that can increase its usefulness in protecting patients from harm.
Journal Article 5.3: Lee, S., & Scott, L. D. (2016). Hospital nurses work environment characteristics and patient safety outcomes: A literature review. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 40(1), 121-145.
Description: This integrative literature review assesses the relationship between hospital nurses’ work environment characteristics and patient safety outcomes and recommends directions for future research based on examination of the literature.
Description: This study measured implicit and explicit attitudes toward major nursing safety violations.
Description: A study which examines the mechanisms by which leadership influences patient safety outcomes.
Chapter 6: Research and Evidence-based Practice in Nursing
Journal Article 6.1: Foster, M., Shurtz, S., & Lee Smith, M. (2013). Translating research into practice: Criteria for applying literature search results to your work. Health Promotion Practice, 15(2), 157-160.
Description: Offers a tool which outlines steps and resources with which health educators and health promotion specialists can critically appraise the literature before deciding to apply a concept or practice.
Journal Article 6.2: Merriel, S. (2015). Critically appraising the evidence. InnovAiT: Education and Inspiration for General Practice, 8(9), 562-568.
Description: This article covers statistics and study design, explains the process of critical appraisal, and present resources that can assist you in analysing research articles. Whilst aimed at GPs it has some useful pointers.
Journal Article 6.3: Quick, J., & Hall, S. (2015). Part one: An introduction to the research process. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 25(4), 78-82.
Description: A good overview of the research process for healthcare practitioners undertaking a project.
Journal Article 6.4: Quick, J., & Hall, S. (2015). Part two: Qualitative research. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 25(7-8), 129-133.
Description: This article looks at the applications, principles and methodologies of qualitative research in the perioperative setting.
Journal Article 6.5: Quick, J., & Hall, S. (2015). Part three: Quantitative research. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 25(10), 192-196.
Description: Practitioners need to select a research approach that will support the aims of the study they plan to undertake. This article looks at the quantitative approach and provides an overview of this model.
Chapter 7: Health Promotion
Journal Article 7.1: Benyon, K. (2014). Health literacy. InnovAiT: Education and Inspiration for General Practice, 7(7), 437-440.
Description: This article aims to improve knowledge, awareness and understanding of health literacy and suggests ideas for everyday practice.
Journal Article 7.2: Linke, S. E., Robinson, C. J., & Pekmezi, D. (2013). Applying psychological theories to promote healthy lifestyles. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 8(1), 4-14.
Description: Explores psychological theories and models and describes their application to various public health issues and behaviours.
Journal Article 7.3: Simon, C. (2015). What is women’s health? InnovAiT: Education and Inspiration for General Practice, 8(4), 197-203.
Description: This article explores the concept of women’s health and what that means for those working in primary care.
Chapter 8: The Fundamentals of Care in Nursing Adults
Journal Article 8.1: Cannon, F., & McCutcheon, K. (2016). Nursing and midwifery revalidation. Journal of perioperative Practice, 26(4), 72-77.
Description: This article details the Nursing and Midwifery Council revalidation requirements essential for all registered nurses and midwives in the United Kingdom.
Journal Article 8.2: Mellor, C. (2014). A duty of candour: A change in approach. Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management, 20(1-2), 36-46.
Description: This article considers the observations and recommendations made in the Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry as to a duty of candour and, in particular, the recommendation that there should be a statutory duty of candour imposed on healthcare providers.
Journal Article 8.3: Papastavrou, E., Efstathiou, G., & Andreou, C. (2014). Nursing students’ perceptions of patient dignity. Nursing Ethics, 23(1), 92-103.
Description: Respecting patients’ dignity has been described as a fundamental part of nursing care. Many studies have focused on exploring the concept of patients’ dignity from the patient and nurse perspective, but knowledge is limited regarding students’ nursing perceptions and experiences. This article explores the issue of patients’ dignity from the perspective of nursing students.
Journal Article 8.4: Wallstrom, S., & Ekman, I. (2018). Person-centred care in clinical assessment. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 17(7), 576-579.
Description: Interesting look at assessment of symptoms.
Chapter 9: Assessment of the Adult with Acute Needs
Journal Article 9.1: Jennett, B. (2002). The Glasgow Coma Scale: History and current practice. Trauma, 4, 91-103.
Description: Whilst very old this is an interesting article on the background to the GCS.
Description: This article suggests a more slimmed down version of assessing pressure injury risk is a better use of nursing time.
Journal Article 9.3: Palmer, K. (2014). Assessment and management of the unconscious patient. InnovAiT: Education and Inspiration for General Practice, 7(9), 517-525.
Description: Looks at the assessment and management of the unconscious patient using the ABCDE approach from a GP perspective.
Journal Article 9.4: Schroeder, K. (2017). Assessment of chest pain. InnovAiT: Education and Inspiration for General Practice, 10(10), 595-601.
Description: A really valuable article on assessment of chest pain and how to determine the different causes.
Description: A study which compares the National Early Warning Score with the Modified Early Warning Score and the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II.
Chapter 10: Preparing Adults for Surgery, Peri- and Post-operative Surgical Care
Description: An article providing guidance on pre-operative showering.
Journal Article 10.2: King, A., Bartley, J., Johanson, D. L., & Broadbent, E. (2017). Components of preoperative anxiety: A qualitative study. Journal of Health Psychology, 1-12.
Description: A qualitative study to identify factors contributing to preoperative anxiety and possible interventions to reduce it.
Chapter 11: Pain Assessment and Management
Journal Article 11.1: Koo, P. J. S. (2003). Acute pain management. Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 16(4), 231-248.
Description: Provides an overview of the improvements made in the last few years for the training and education around acute pain management.
Journal Article 11.2: Management of acute pain in cancer patients. British Journal of Pain, 4(2), 29-30. First published 2010.
Description: This article examines the management of acute pain, especially post-operative pain, in patients on high-dose opioids is a challenge that requires in-depth knowledge of pharmacokinetics and the formulation of a careful management plan in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms and inadequate pain management.
Chapter 12: Clinical Investigations
Journal Article 12.1: Khunti, K. (2014). Accurate interpretation of the 12-lead ECG electrode placement: A systematic review. Health Education Journal, 73(5), 610-623.
Description: Looks at the impact of incorrect ECG placement. Important lessons!
Journal Article 12.2: Rajendran, R., & Rayman, G. (2014). Point-of-care blood glucose testing for diabetes care in hospitalized patients. An evidence-based review. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 8(6), 1081-1090.
Description: Provides an overall view of the use of glucose testing use in the hospital setting using glucose monitoring devices whose clinical value remain unchallenged
Journal Article 12.3: Rogers, K., & McCutcheon, K. (2015). Four steps to interpreting arterial blood gases. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 25(3), 46-52.
Description: A great article that explains arterial blood gases and acid base balance and how to interpret them.
Description: A survey which finds that in almost a third of radiological requests, doctors have not seen patients to be investigated, most likely as a result of shift working patterns. This does not fulfil the IRMER 2000 criteria and potentially exposes patients to unnecessary and inappropriate radiation.
Journal Article 12.5: Stoodley, N., & Philip, S. (2011). CT scan: Friend or foe? Clinical Risk, 17(4), 134-136.
Description: Looks at the risks of ionizing radiation from CT scans and strategies for minimizing that risk.
Chapter 13: Medication Management and Administration
Journal Article 13.1: MacFie, C. C., Baudouin, S. V., & Messer, P. B. (2016). An integrative review of drug errors in critical care. Journal of the Intensive Care Society, 17(1), 63-72.
Description: An integrative review which critically appraises the literature to further define prevalence, most frequently-implicated drugs and effects on patient morbidity and mortality in the critical care environment.
Description: A study performed at two UK, National Health Services Hospitals looking at prescribing errors by junior doctors.
Journal Article 13.3: Stewart, D., Jebara, T., Cunningham, S., Awaisu, A., Pallivalapila, A., & MacLureFuture, K. (2017). Future perspectives on nonmedical prescribing. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety, 8(6), 183-197.
Description: This paper provides a future perspective on non-medical prescribing, coverage of the Scottish government strategy of pharmacist prescribing and consideration of two key challenges in NMP.
Chapter 14: Infection Prevention and Control
Description: This article reports the findings from a 90-day quality improvement collaborative programme, initiated in response to ongoing infection prevention challenges, and aiming to develop effective, sustainable infection prevention and control practices. Involving six trusts within a region of England, the article describes the use of quality improvement collaborative methodology, adapted from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Breakthrough Series methodology. In detailing the experiences of participant engagement in a collaborative approach to infection prevention and control practice improvement, the approach, benefits, challenges and evaluation are appraised.
Journal Article 14.2: Atkins, L. (2015). Using the behaviour change wheel in infection prevention and control practice. Journal of Infection Prevention, 17(2), 74-78.
Description: This article considers the challenges of designing effective interventions to support behaviour change. Outlining the need for capability, motivation and opportunity as three key conditions for any behaviour, and citing understanding of the behaviour to be changed as the appropriate starting point, the article appraises the use of the COM-B model and behaviour change wheel as a theoretical framework capable of supporting the design of effective behaviour change interventions. The article offers a practical example of its use in designing an effective behaviour change intervention aimed at improving hand hygiene compliance.
Journal Article 14.3: Bouchoucha, S. L., & Moore, K. A. (2017). Infection prevention and control: Who is the judge, you or the guidelines? Journal of Infection Prevention, 19(3), 131-137.
Description: This article reports the findings of a qualitative study which explored the attitudes and behaviours of 29 registered nurses’/midwives’ implementation of standard infection control precautions in a hospital in Australia. Data collected through interviews and focus groups was analyzed using thematic analysis. The article focuses on the findings associated with one theme – ‘staff judgement against guidelines’ – and discusses the deviation of staff from standard infection control precautions, despite the existence of mandatory guidelines.
Journal Article 14.4: Gould, D., & Drey, N. (2013). Types of interventions used to improve hand hygiene compliance and prevent healthcare associated infection. Journal of Infection Prevention, 14(3), 88-93.
Description: This review article highlights hand hygiene as the most effective means of preventing healthcare associated infection, while emphasizing the limited evidence of effectiveness. It considers the types of intervention used to promote hand hygiene and discusses their credibility, identifying factors which might influence the success of initiatives and interventions aimed at enhancing hand hygiene compliance.
Description: This article discusses how continuing advances in surgical techniques, asepsis, operating theatre protocols and ventilation systems are supporting patients to undergo both invasive and minimally-invasive procedures with reduced risk.
Chapter 15: Care of the Childbearing Woman
Description: An action research project that looked at restricted visiting and locked wards from the perspectives of midwives and their struggle to understand why patients and relatives would complain about this form of gatekeeping.
Description: A study which compares pregnancy care, maternal and neonatal outcomes of women with body mass index >30 enrolled in a Weight Intervention Group versus other models of antenatal care
Journal Article 15.3: Cook, A. (2016). Midwifery perspectives: The consent process in the context of patient safety and medico-legal issues. Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management, 22(1-2), 25-29.
Description: Explores the challenges of consent within midwifery practice following a judgment made at the Supreme Court, in Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board, and the implication that midwifery care should be based upon the disclosure of information about the ‘risks’ inherent in care and treatment.
Journal Article 15.4: Fleming, V., & Robb, Y. (2017). Potential conflicts in midwifery practice regarding conscientious objection to abortions in Scotland. Nursing Ethics, 1-12.
Description: This is a study which arose from a court case involving conflicts between midwives’ professional practice and their faith when caring for women undergoing abortions in Scotland.
Journal Article 15.5: Yoder, H., & Hardy, L. (2018). Midwifery and antenatal care for black women: A narrative review. Sage Open, 1-8.
Description: Whilst published in America, this article raises issues which are also pertinent in the UK, regarding Black women’s experience of antenatal care, including the role of midwives
Chapter 16: Care of the Highly Dependent and Critically ill Adult
Journal Article 16.1: Battle, C., & Temblett, P. (2018). 12-Hour nursing shifts in critical care: A service evaluation. Journal of the Intensive Care Society, 19(3), 214-218.
Description: This article investigates the introduction of a 12-hour shift pattern worked in critical care and the impact on healthcare providers and patient outcomes, comparing against 8-hour shift patterns. Outcomes: number of clinical incidents, levels of burn-out, sick rates, personal injuries and training. Conclusion: from this study, extended shift patterns can be introduced safely without any detriment to patient or healthcare provider.
Description: This U.S. article explores the experiences of ICU patients following critical illness when Post-Intensive Care Syndrome is diagnosed. The use of a patient diary to minimize the psychological and emotional effects of patients and their families is investigated.
Journal Article 16.3: Singleton, V., & Mee, S. (2017). Critical compassion: Affect, discretion and policy–care relations. Sociological Review, 65(2 Suppl.), 130-149.
Description: With recent well-published perceived failings in care provision, policy and politics are cited as currently ill-prepared and being void of realistic practices. This article explores the nature of securing compassionate care and the authors support ensuring that health policy reflects the meaningful reality of contemporary health and social care.
Journal Article 16.4: Rostami, S., Esmaeali, R., Jafari, H., & Cherati, J. Y. (2017). Perception of futile care and caring behaviors of nurses in intensive care units. Nursing Ethics, 1-8.
Description: With shortages of intensive care beds along with increased stressors within this environment discussions related to futile care have become more prominent. This article raises the challenging questions of perceptions of futile care and the arising moral and ethical issues.
Journal Article 16.5: Maidl, C. A., Leske, J. S., & Garcia, A. E. (2014). The influence of ‘quiet time’ for patients in critical care. Clinical Nursing Research, 23(5), 544-559.
Description: Critical care units are generally known to be very busy and noisy environments. Therefore, patients when nursed within these areas can be prone to less rest and more periods of interruption than within other clinical areas. This study explores the influence that ‘quiet time’ can have within critical care and the impact this may have on patient outcomes.
Description: Communication and job satisfaction among nurses is explored within this article. The authors review the commonalities between communication satisfaction, job satisfaction, performance and staff turnover. These factors are correlated to patient safety and outcomes with positive associations linked to communication and job satisfaction.
Chapter 17: Care of the Frail Older Adult
Journal Article 17.1: Zaslavsky, O. (2012). Frailty. A review of the first decade of research. Biological Research for Nursing, 15(4), 422-432.
Description: Focuses on conceptual models proposed to explain the dynamics and development of frailty.
Journal Article 17.2: Gorman, T. J. (2015). Frailty. InnovAiT: Education and Inspiration for General Practice, 8(9), 547-554.
Description: Explores frailty and the role primary care play sin identifying frailty, and implementing interventions for individuals to improve outcomes for them, their carers and communities.
Chapter 18: Care of the Adult with Long-term Conditions
Journal Article 18.1: Stenburg, N., & Furness, P. J. (2016). Living well with a long-term condition: Service users’ perspectives of a self-management intervention. Qualitative Health Research, 27(4), 547-558.
Description: This research asks people with long term conditions to explain in their own words, what aspects of the intervention they valued.
Description: This study explores patients with long-term conditions, to determine the prevalence and benefits of care planning discussions and of care plans.
Chapter 19: Care of the Adult with Mental Health Issues
Description: This study explores perceptions about recovery and prognosis from the viewpoint of those living with long-term physical conditions.
Journal Article 19.2: Bryant, C., Kleinstauber, M., & Judd, F. (2014). Aspects of mental health care in the gynaecological setting. Women’s Health, 10(3), 237-254.
Description: A narrative review of psychological aspects of gynaecological conditions, which are often undetected and untreated.
Journal Article 19.3: Golding, K., Fife-Schaw, C., & Kneebone, I. (2018). A pilot randomized controlled trial of self-help relaxation to reduce post-stroke depression. Clinical Rehabilitation, 32(6), 747-751.
Description: This study explores the potential of self-help relaxation training to treat depression following a stroke.
Journal Article 19.4: Mahajan, S., & Johnstone, C. (2017). Human factors in suicide prevention. InnovAIT, 10(11), 679-686.
Description: A case study approach is utilized to illustrate the importance of human factors in maintaining patient safety in mental health.
Chapter 20: Care of the Adult with Dementia
Journal Article 20.1: Bronson, M., & Toye, C. (2015). Providing information for family carers of hospital patients experiencing dementia. Dementia, 14(2), 267-272.
Description: This project helped hospital-based nurses to be able to discuss concerns with family carers of patients with dementia. A booklet was developed and used to support the discussions. Staff became more confident as a result.
Journal Article 20.2: Brooke, J., & Semlyen, J. (2017). Exploring the impact of dementia-friendly ward environments on the provision of care: A qualitative thematic analysis. Dementia, 1-16.
Description: This reports the outcomes of how nurses experienced dementia friendly wards when caring for acutely ill people. They talked in focus groups about how some practice changed because of this
Journal Article 20.3 : Lillekroken, D., Hauge, S., & Slettebø, Å. (2017). The meaning of slow nursing in dementia care. Dementia, 16(7), 930-947.
Description: This study looks at a caring approach that may lead to supporting the sense of coherence in people with dementia described by the metaphor ‘slow nursing’.
Chapter 21: Care of the Adult with a Learning Disability
Description: This literature review brings together evidence on the prevalence and determinants of health conditions and impairments among children and young people with intellectual disability in the United Kingdom
Journal Article 21.2: Awan, H., & Chauhan, U. (2017). Health promotion and screening for people with intellectual disability. InnovAiT, 10(3), 157-164.
Description: This article explores how general practice can improve the health of people with intellectual disability, by making reasonable adjustments within health promotion, disease prevention, screening and detection.
Description: This article is one mother’s personal story and reflection about her journey through the Canadian health-care system in Nova Scotia, with her daughter who has an intellectual disability. The reflection identifies moments of tension experienced by a mother and how she was expected to be a medical system navigator, doctor–educator, time manager, and care coordinator and the roles that led to feelings of repression, extreme frustration, and fear.
Journal Article 21.4: Cardell, B. (2015). Reframing health promotion for people with intellectual disabilities. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 2.
Description: This qualitative study addresses the health disparities and inequities experienced by people with intellectual disabilities by supporting the development of interventions that consider components of social justice along with embracing this population’s potential and acknowledging influences of the context.
Journal Article 21.5: Emerson, E. (2012). The Rio declaration. Addressing the health inequalities experienced by people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 16(2), 83-84.
Description: On 21 October 2011 in Rio de Janeiro, the UK (along with other member states of the UN) agreed and signed the Rio Political Declaration on Social Determinants of Health (World Health Organization, 2011). In signing this declaration, the UK affirmed that ‘health inequities within and between countries are politically, socially and economically unacceptable, as well as unfair and largely avoidable’ and pledged to ‘develop policies that are inclusive and take account of the needs of the entire population with specific attention to vulnerable groups’. This article considers the needs of people with a learning disability against the Rio Declaration.
Description: This review of the available literature found little evidence of nurses undertaking effective interventions in meeting the health needs of older people with intellectual disabilities in the UK and Ireland.
Description: The aim of this study was to gain service user and social care staff perspectives on the barriers facing people with intellectual disabilities when accessing primary healthcare. Social care staff identified the ‘attitudes and behaviour of primary healthcare staff’ as sometimes problematic, and the importance of ‘knowing the service user’. Service users identified ‘feelings about going to the doctor’, ‘health education’ and ‘making changes’. Gaining these views is an important first step in improving access to primary healthcare.
Description: This article compares the health and health-care utilization of the general aging population in Ireland with those who are aging with a learning (intellectual) disability. Rates of chronic disease appeared higher overall for people with learning disability as compared to the general population. There were also age-related differences in the prevalence of diabetes and cancer and different rates of engagement between the two groups in relevant behavioural health activities such as smoking.
Chapter 22: Care of the Adult with Cancer
Journal Article 22.1: Pasikhova, Y., Ludlow, S., & Baluch, A. (2017). Fever in patients with cancer. Cancer Control, 24(2), 193-197.
Description: Fever is frequently seen in patients with cancer and can be associated with a variety of infectious and non-infectious causes. This paper discusses the infectious and non-infectious causes of fever in patients with various oncological and haematological malignancies and the usefulness of biomarkers are discussed.
Description: The American Society of Clinical Oncology and the Oncology Nursing Society have issued guidelines stating that the vital signs of patients should be routinely checked on days that intravenous chemotherapy is administered. This study sought evidence to justify this approach. The paper will provide you with insights into the role of nursing observations during chemotherapy administration.
Journal Article 22.3: Warrier, S., Tapia, G., Goltsman, D., & Beith, J. (2016). An update in breast cancer screening and management. Women’s Health, 12(2), 229-239.
Description: This article provides an overview of the main controversies in a number of key areas of breast cancer management.
Journal Article 22.4: Aftab, R. (2016). Oncology emergencies. InnovAiT, 9(12): 753-761.
Description: All cancer nurses need to be able to recognize and manage oncological emergencies. This paper provides a clear overview of all the oncological emergencies.
Journal Article 22.5: Cosh, A., & Carslow, H. (2013). What does a GP need to know about chemotherapy? InnovAiT, 6(4): 197-205.
Description: Although written for GPs, this paper is an excellent resources for nurses also. The paper discusses the main chemotherapy drugs and a range of possible side effects and the importance of patient education in managing symptoms.
Chapter 23: Care of the Aadult at the End of Life
Journal Article 23.1: Hawley, P. (2017). Barriers to access to palliative care. Palliative Care: Research and Treatment, 10, 1-6.
Description: This article explores some of the barriers in accessing palliative care and provides strategies of how to overcome these barriers.
Description: This study explores the meaning and perception of the delivery of end-of-life care for the person experiencing dementia.
Journal Article 23.3: Molloy, C., McCarthy, J., & Tyrrell, M. (2016). The impact of an end-of-life healthcare ethics educational intervention. Clinical Ethics, 11(1), 28-37.
Description: This study evaluates the impact of the Ethical framework for End-of-Life Care Study Sessions Programme on the moral development of healthcare staff delivering end-of-life care.
Journal Article 23.4: Carter, C. (2017). How do healthcare practitioners talk about end-of-life conversations? A poetic inquiry. Journal of Research in Nursing, 22(6-7), 494-505.
Description: This preliminary literature review, which uses poetic inquiry, examines physicians’ and nurses’ emotional distress in their accounts of how they approach end-of life conversations, and maps key concepts relevant to exploring barriers to these conversations.
Journal Article 23.5: Bardach, S. H., Dunn, E. J., & Stein, J. C. (2017). Clinician perspectives on challenges to patient centered care at the end of life. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 36(4), 401-415.
Description: This survey explores barriers to the expression and realization of patients’ end-of-life wishes.
Chapter 24: Care of the Adult with a Respiratory Condition
Journal Article 24.1: Andrews, K. L., Jones, S. C., & Mullan, J. (2012). Perceptions and practices of adults with asthma. Journal of Asthma & Allergy Educators, 4(2), 49-56.
Description: This article describes a qualitative study that investigated the experiences, attitudes, and opinions of adults with asthma regarding self-managing their disease.
Journal Article 24.2: Davis, T. (2015). Acute breathlessness. InnovAiT, 8(8), 468-475.
Description: This article covers the general principles of first-line assessment and the management of breathlessness in primary care, focusing on respiratory causes.
Journal Article 24.3: Evers, U., Jones, S. C., Caputi, P., & Iverson, D. (2013). Asthma in older adults: the need for asthma health promotion interventions. Journal of Asthma & Allergy Educators, 4(4), 183-190.
Description: This study argues that the social marketing framework should be utilized to develop asthma initiatives to increase asthma knowledge and encourage older adults to take control of their respiratory symptoms.
Journal Article 24.4: Midgley, E. (2015). Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap syndrome. InnovAiT, 8(8), 462-467.
Description: This article describes the clinical and pathological features of ACOS, why it is important to identify and treat it differently and how this might change in the future.
Journal Article 24.5: Molyneux, I. D., & Morice, A. H. (2011). Airway reflux, cough and respiratory disease. Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease, 2(4), 237-248.
Description: This review provides a description of the airway reflux syndrome, its effects on the lung and current and future therapeutic options.
Journal Article 24.6: Patel, M., & Shaw, D. (2015). A review of standard pharmacological therapy for adult asthma – Steps 1 to 5. Chronic Respiratory Disease, 12(2), 165-176.
Description: This review provides a practical guide to the key pharmacological therapies for adult asthma at steps 1 to 5 based on British guidelines and consider future options for new treatments.
Journal Article 24.7: Pickard, K. (2015). Long term oxygen therapy. InnovAiT, 8(8), 455-461.
Description: This article outlines the indications and assessments required for the prescription of LTOT, the cautions and contraindications to home oxygen use, and the practicalities of instigation, delivery and monitoring.
Journal Article 24.8: Rajakulasingam, R., Wilkinson, A., & Wilkinson, E. (2013). Acute asthma in adults. InnovAiT, 6(4), 240-247.
Description: This article aims to review current knowledge of acute asthma in adults, with an emphasis on management in a primary care setting according to the latest national guidelines.
Journal Article 24.9: Seguel, J. M., Merrill, R., Seguel, D., & Campagna, A. C. (2016). Indoor air quality. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 11(4), 284-295.
Description: This article focuses on the effects indoor air quality has on the respiratory system. Specifically, this article will address secondhand smoke, radon, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and formaldehyde, house cleaning agents, indoor mold, animal dander, and dust mites.
Journal Article 24.10: Datla, S., & Jones, D. (2016). Smoking cessation. InnovAiT, 10(5), 282-289.
Description: This article explores the role that GPs can play in smoking cessation by promoting health and preventing disease.
Journal Article 24.11: White, K., Cunningham, C., & Gompertz, S. (2016). Diagnosis of asthma. InnovAiT, 9(4), 215-219.
Description: This article will focus on the diagnosis of asthma in adults and children and is directly applicable to primary care.
Chapter 25: Care of the Adult with a Cardiac Condition
Description: Discusses the impact of distance to services and its impact on attendance rates.
Description: Discusses the important role that cardiac nurses play in sexual counselling of cardiac patients who may experience problems with sexual activity as a result of their cardiac condition, medications or anxiety.
Description: Discusses the importance of assessing patients’ signs of anxiety and depression before surgery and the implementation of appropriate interventions in order to support patients at risk of post-operative psychological distress.
Chapter 27: Care of the Adult with a Neurological Condition
Journal Article 27.1: Weatherburn, C., & Simon, C. (2014). Parkinson’s disease: Initial presentation. InnovAit – Education and Inspiration for GenERAL practice, 7(11), 645-650.
Description: This article explains why diagnosis can be difficult and provides a guide to possible features that might trigger referral for specialist diagnosis.
Description: This study provides a deeper insight of the current understanding of the experience of living with Parkinson’s disease and its implications for occupation through a narrative visual methodology (photo-elicitation).
Journal Article 27.3: Chen, J., & Marsh, L. (2013). Anxiety in Parkinson’s disease: Identification and management. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders, 7(1), 52-59.
Description: This article focuses on common psychiatric comorbidities associated with Parkinson’s disease and how they impact on living with this condition. This article advocates that individualized care plans and interventions are required to meet individual needs.
Journal Article 27.4: Putaala, J. (2016). Ischemic stroke in the young: Current perspectives on incidence, risk factors, and cardiovascular prognosis. European Stroke Journal, 1(1), 28-40.
Description: This article provides an overview of recent data on epidemiology, risk factors, and their strength of association in ischemic stroke in the young and also discusses the evidence in relation to secondary prevention.
Description: The study explores perceived life satisfaction following a stroke, from admission to specialized rehabilitation until follow-up 1 year post-discharge.
Chapter 28: Care of the Adult with a Urinary/Renal Condition
Description: This article focuses on the natural history, prevalence of perceived and measured frailty and its association with dialysis treatment choices and adverse outcomes in patients with advanced CKD.
Description: This articles assesses the feasibility and practicality of implementing the Home Dialysis VW on a broader scale.
Description: This article reviews many of the preclinical innovations in acute kidney injury AKI treatment, and explores challenges and opportunities to translate these findings into clinical practice.
Description: This article looks at the implementation of a living organ donation team and the impact it had on the actual number of living kidney transplantations performed.
Journal Article 28.5: Nesrallah, G. E., Li, L., & Suri, R. S. (2016). Comparative effectiveness of home dialysis therapies: A matched cohort study. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease, 3(19), 1-12.
Description: This article compares home hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis in end-stage renal disease.
Chapter 29: Care of the Adult with an Endocrine Condition
Journal Article 29.1: Chiha, M., Samarasinghe, S., & Kabaker, A. S. (2015). Thyroid storm: An updated review. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, 30(3), 131-140.
Description: You may have seen this endocrine emergency mentioned in the book chapter. This article presents a comprehensive discussion of the pathophysiology, clinical features and treatment of this rare but potentially life-threatening condition.
Journal Article 29.2: Gadsby, R. (2013). Insulin treatment in diabetes. InnovAiT, 6(6), 344-348.
Description: If you want to learn more about the types of insulin this article provides an excellent overview. It discusses the use of insulin for the management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, with reference to NICE guidelines.
Journal Article 29.3: Griffin, S. (2013). Primary prevention of osteoporosis. InnovAiT, 6(3), 148-154.
Description: Endocrine function can be associated with the development of osteoporosis in some patients. This article provides information on how to reduce the occurrence and severity of this condition.
Journal Article 29.4: Steven, K. (2014). Diabetes education. InnovAiT, 7(3), 168-173.
Description: This article explores educational approaches for patients who have diabetes. Written with GPs in mind, It provides a different perspective on the related issues that are discussed in the book chapter.
Journal Article 29.5: Donohue-Porter, P. (2013). Nursing’s role in courage development in patients facing complications of diabetes. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 31(1), 49-61.
Description: This article focusses on the nursing’s role in the development of courage in patients with disabling complications of diabetes. Based in North America, this research paper provides detailed insights into holistic and empathic care approaches.
Chapter 30: Care of the Adult with an Immunological Condition
Journal Article 30.1: Schmalstieg, F. C., & Goldman, A. S. (2010). Birth of the science of immunology. Journal of Medical Biography, 18, 88-98.
Description: This is a fascinating article which explains the beginning of modern medicine through the journey of the history of the discovery of the immune system. Great background reading to help understand the origins of immunology.
Journal Article 30.2: Edwards, H., & Lakshman, R. (2012). Immune deficiency in children. InnovAiT, 5(5), 266-273.
Description: This article relates specifically to children with immunodeficiency, which is not fully covered in the chapter but will be of interest to both paediatric nurses and adult nurses caring for patients who have a genetic disease and children who may be affected.
Journal Article 30.3: Carter, M. A. (2001). Ethical aspects of genetic testing. Biological Research for Nursing, 3(1), 24-32.
Description: This article gives greater depth of understanding about the ethical aspects of genetic testing in modern medicine
Description: Patients with chronic illness experience significant burden of illness and treatment. This article examines the views of patients with chronic illness and highlights the ways in which their illness and treatment impacts their lives.
Journal Article 30.5: Vraga, E. K., & Bode, L. (2017). Using expert sources to correct health misinformation in social media. Science Communication, 39(5), 621-645.
Description: This article allows further reading on this topic, including the why and how the general public use social media sources for health information and how, as health professionals, we can help correct misconception and inappropriate information online.
Chapter 31: Care of the Adult with a Musculoskeletal Condition
Description: This paper includes key recommendations from the National Osteoporosis Society’s Position Statement on the role of HRT in osteoporosis. The position statement was developed by expert clinical and scientific advisers, and through public consultation with members and key stakeholders.
Description: An interesting exploration of the shifting demographics of Scotland’s hip fracture patients, which is likely to be similar in other parts of the UK. If hip fracture incidence increases as predicted, this potentially more challenging case-mix will likely impact on multiple health resources.
Journal Article 31.3: Keene, D. D., Rea, W. E., & Aldington, D. (2011). Acute pain management in trauma. Trauma, 13(3), 167-179.
Description: This is an authoritative review article which provides an in-depth discussion of the importance of appropriate acute pain management following major trauma.
Description: Results from an international study which examines the lived experience of life after hip fracture and the important role of effective rehabilitation. Older adults identified the need for social support and physical activity, balanced by their own personal outlook in order to overcome challenges.
Description: This article provides an expert overview of acute compartment syndrome. This is a life- and limb-threatening condition which needs careful clinical assessment. A high degree of suspicion and early surgery for patients at risk are important for successful outcomes.
Chapter 32: Care of the Adult with a Haematological Condition
Journal Article 32.1: Hussain, N. (2014). Iron deficiency anaemia. InnovAiT, 7(7), 398-403.
Description: This paper provides a clear overview of iron-deficiency anaemia: causes, presentation and management.
Journal Article 32.2: Sammut, R., & Arumainathan, A. (2013). Lymphoma. InnovAiT, 6(4), 206-213.
Description: Lymphoma encompasses a complex group of blood cancers. This paper provides a clear overview of lymphoma.
Journal Article 32.3: Pawlak, R., James, P. S., Raj, S., Cullum-Dugan, D., & Lucus, D. (2013). Understanding vitamin B12. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 7(1), 60-65.
Description: Many causes of anaemia can be traced to vitamin B12 deficiency. This paper provides a clear overview of this vital vitamin for health and reasons why people can become deficient.
Journal Article 32.4: Ekong, A. (2016). Sickle cell disease. InnovAiT, 10(2), 73-81.
Description: A very comprehensive paper that provides a details account of the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease, clinical manifestation and management.
Journal Article 32.5: Chew, E. C. S., & Lam, J. C. M. (2012). Diagnosis and management of iron deficiency anaemia in children - A clinical update. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare, 21(4), 278-285.
Description: Iron-deficiency anaemia in children has serious health consequences. This paper highlights the serious consequences of iron deficiency anaemia in children and its management.
Chapter 34: Care of the Adult with a Gastrointestinal Condition
Journal Article 34.1: Frohlich, D., & Zmyslinski-Seelig, A. N. (2016). How Uncover Ostomy challenges ostomy stigma, and encourages others to do the same. New Media & Society, 18(2), 220-238.
Description: Looks at the use of a website Uncover Ostomy and describes a project which examined uploaded photos to see how people challenge stigma using new media technology.
Description: A study to investigate potential risk factors for complications like anaemia, malabsorption or surgery in ulcerative colitis.
Journal Article 34.3: Pal, A. (2013). Crohn’s disease. InnovAiT: Education and Inspiration for General Practice, 7(1), 43-54.
Description: A good overview of Crohn’s disease aimed at the primary care team.
Chapter 35: Care of the Adult with a Nutritional Condition
Description: This article reviews how to determine the nutritional status and factors associated with malnutrition in older adults.
Journal Article 35.2: Mundi, M. S., Nystrom, E. M., Hurley, D. L., & McMahon, M. M. (2016). Management of parenteral nutrition in hospitalized adult patients. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 41(4), 535-549.
Description: This article highlights that many clinicians are undertrained in clinical nutrition and suggests that targeted nutrition education for clinicians is essential for best patient care.
Journal Article 35.3: Posthauer, M. E., Dorner, B., & Friedrich, E. K. (2014). Enteral nutrition for older adults in healthcare communities. Nutrition in Clinical Practice, 29(4), 445-458.
Description: This article provides a review of enteral feeding within a community setting.
Journal Article 35.4: Brotherton, A. M., & Carter, B. (2007). Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy feeding in nursing homes – Relatives’ perceptions. Clinical Nursing Research, 16(4), 350-369.
Description: An exploration into the experiences of relatives of nursing home residents receiving PEG feeding.
Journal Article 35.5: Vaughan, C. A., Ghosh-Dastidar, M., & Dubowitz, T. (2018). Attitudes and barriers to healthy diet and physical activity: A latent profile analysis. Health Education and Behaviour, 45(3), 381-393.
Description: An analysis of attitudes and barriers in relation to healthy diet and physical activity.
Chapter 36: Leadership and Management in Nursing Adults
Description: This article focuses on the leadership conditions in the workplace and how these can impact on nurses’ empowerment and job satisfaction. It usefully describes ‘resonant leadership’ – an approach to leadership that is very much about relationships and emotional intelligence. The purpose of suggesting this article as additional reading is to point you to ways of working as a leader that can have positive impacts on how a team works. You might want to critique the article, draw out the key learning for you, then observe leaders at work and determine whether resonant leadership attributes are demonstrated in those leaders.
Description: This article focuses on authentic leadership as “a pattern of transparent and ethical leader behaviour that encourages openness in sharing information needed to make decisions while accepting input from those who follow”. When reading this article, you may wish to consider whether you have experienced working with authentic leaders, what this looked like, and what impact this approach to leadership had on the team. By highlighting this article for your additional reading, we hope that it draws your attention to the need for ethical approaches to leadership in the challenging context of healthcare practice.
Book: Taylor, R., & Webster-Henderson, B. (2016). The essentials of nursing leadership. London: Sage.
Description: This book is edited by one of the chapter authors and brings to life some of the leadership challenges (through case studies). It provides some approaches to the development of leadership practices for students (e.g. networking, coaching) as well as bringing the voices of student nurses and senior leaders to the fore – through vignettes.
Chapter 37: Decision-making
Journal Article 37.1: Dowding, D., Gurbut, R., Murphy, M., & Lascelles, M. (2011). Conceptualising decision making in nursing education. Journal of Research in Nursing, 17(4), 348-360.
Description: Reviews theoretical concepts that provide a framework for decision making in nursing and how can be taught.
Journal Article 37.2: Miller, E. M., & Hill, P. D. (2017). Intuition in clinical decision making: Differences among practicing nurses. Journal of Holistic Nursing.
Description: Looks at types of decision making by nurses in different clinical areas
Journal Article 37.3: Miller, L., Whitlatch, C. J., & Lyons, K. S. (2016). Shared decision-making in dementia: A review of patient and family carer involvement. Dementia, 15(5), 1141-1157.
Description: A review of the literature on how people with dementia and their families are involved in shared decision-making.
Journal Article 37.4: Payne, L. K. (2015). Toward a theory of intuitive decision–making in nursing. Nursing Science Quarterly, 28(3), 223-228.
Description: An interesting article that presents a synopsis of different decision-making approaches.
Description: A research study that looks at decisions made by primary care nurses.
Chapter 38: Lifelong Learning and Continuing Professional Development
Book: Delves-Yates, C. (Ed.). (2015). Essentials of nursing practice. Chapter 2 (Learning Styles); Chapter 8 (Resilience). London: Sage.
Journal Article 38.1: Mitchell, E. K. L., James, S., & D’Amore, A. (2015). How learning styles and preferences of first year nursing and midwifery students change. Australian Journal of Education, 59(2), 158-168.
Description: It is important that educators understand learning styles as an evolving individual characteristic. This article investigates the changes in learning styles and preferences of first-year undergraduate nursing/midwifery students after six months of preliminary testing.
Chapter 39: The Role of the Nurse as Teacher and Educator
Journal Article 39.1: Hopwood, J. (2017). Small group teaching in primary care. InnovAiT: Education and Inspiration for General Practice, 10(5), 297-303.
Description: Looks at how small group teaching can be used.
Journal Article 39.2: Schriener, B. (2016). Teaching across the life span. AADE in Practice, 4(2), 28-31.
Description: An interesting article that use diabetes to explore the different approaches needed to teaching people across the life span from children to the older person.
Journal Article 39.3: Vaughan, E., Moreno, J., & Johnston, J. (2015). Utilizing the one-minute preceptor for patient education. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 9(3), 224-226.
Description: A quick and easy tool you can use with patients and students.