Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology
Third Edition
SAGE Journal Articles
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Behrmann, M. & Ewell, C. (2002). Expertise in tactile pattern recognition. Psychological Science, 14, 480-486.
- According to the authors, what is the composite effect? How is the composite effect related to the part-whole effect?
- What is the primary difference in how information is represented in the visual and somatosensory systems?
- What procedure did the authors use to train expertise in haptic pattern recognition?
- Do the authors’ results demonstrate that expertise in haptic pattern recognition can be trained? If so, what specific finding demonstrates this development of expertise? What does it mean that haptic pattern recognition does not transfer to the visual domain?
Gazzaniga, M.S., Fendrich, R., & Wessinger, C.M. (1994). Blindsight Reconsidered. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 3, 93-96.
- According to the authors, what are some issues that complicate the results obtained in the classic blindsight case of D.B.?
- What do the authors mention as three important insights that are provided by the study of blindsight?
- What do the authors believe to be the relationship between blindsight and conscious awareness? What role do they see for a secondary visual system in blindsight?