Web Exercises

The Geriatric Social Work Initiative (GSWI) was established in 1999 by the John A. Hartford Foundation in recognition of the need for more aging-savvy social workers to help older adults and their families understand and choose among the vast and often confusing array of health and social services.
  • Select Resources and Reports, then Demographic Resources.  Choose one of these resources and describe how it connects to one of the seven core problems.
  • Select News, then National Center News.  Choose one of the stories and describe how macro level policy advocacy might have been utilized.
  • Select News, then Ripples Newsletter.  Which of the upcoming events sounds most interesting to you?  What is something new happening at one of the Hartford Centers of Excellence?
The National Council on Aging brings the voices of older adults—especially the vulnerable and disadvantaged—and the organizations that serve them to Washington to protect and strengthen programs that work.
  • Select Elder Justice, then Elder Justice Now Campaign.  View the video “An Age for Justice: Confronting Elder Abuse in America.”  Which story stood out to you?  What policy proposal or reform might be enacted to address this issue?
  • Select Advocacy Toolkit, then How to be an Effective Advocate Outside of Washington D.C. What are some of the ways you can increase your AEQ?
  • Select Public Policy Priorities.  Describe a priority at each of the three tiers.
Joint Commission accreditation can be earned by many types of health care organizations, including hospitals, doctor’s offices, nursing homes, office-based surgery centers, behavioral health treatment facilities, and providers of home care services. 
  • Select Accreditation, then What is Accreditation, then Benefits of Accreditation.  What are some of the benefits of accreditation? 
  • Select Standards, then National Patient Safety Goals, then Long Term Care.  View the Easy to Read Version.  What would be some Red Flag Alerts that these goals are not being met?
  • Select About Us, then Our History.  How does an organization earn the Gold Seal of Approval?