Web Exercises

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities analyzes the impact of federal and state government budget policies from a progressive viewpoint.
  • Select About, then Mission and History.  What type of work does the Center do for low-income programs?
  • Select Research, then Poverty and Inequality, then Safety Net Successes.  How has the Safety Net made a difference?
  • Select Blog, then Filter by Topic, then Poverty and Inequality.  Choose one of the blog posts.  How was data used to support the issue described?   
The Urban Institute conducts economic and social policy research.
  • Select About, then Our History.  How has Urban Institute been involved over the years?
  • Select Research, then Poverty, Vulnerability, and the Safety Net.  Choose Low Income Families.  Review some of the articles.  What aspects of the Safety Net have made a difference?
  • Select Policy Centers, then Income and Benefits Policy Center.  Select Projects, then Transfer Income Model.  What is a microsimulation model?
National anti-hunger organization that lobbies on behalf of Food Stamps, the Women Infants and Children (WIC) program, and other federal food and nutrition programs.
  • Select About FRAC, then FRAC History.  What are some of the highlights of FRAC advocacy?
  • Select Legislative Action Center, then Bills We’re Watching.  What are some of FRAC’s legislative priorities?
  • Select Federal Food /Nutrition Programs, then Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, then FFVP Planning Tool.  As a school social worker in a low income community, how would you respond to Question 9?