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How to Do Your Research Project: A Guide for Students
Third Edition
Gary Thomas
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Student Resources
Base Camp 1: Introduction
Activity 1: Topics You Enjoy
Activity 2: Brainstorm Topics
Activity 3: Key Issues when Choosing a Question
Base Camp 2: How are You going to Manage the Project
Activity: Create a Broad Plan
Base Camp 3: Think about Your Research Question
Activity 1: Getting a Feel for the Literature
Activity 2: Create a Gantt Chart
Base Camp 4: Ask an Even Better Question
Activity 1: Evaluate Your Sources of Information
Activity 2: Record Everything that You Read
Activity 3: Draw a Storyboard
Base Camp 5: Think about how to Answer the Question
Activity 1: Compose Your Question
Activity 2: Test Your Question
Activity 3: Unpack Your Question
Base Camp 6: How will Your Research be Designed and Framed?
Activity 1: Choose Your Methodology
Activity 2: Choose Your Approach
Activity 3: Match the Theorist to the Theory
Activity 4: Structure Your Project
Activity 5: Outline Your Method
Activity 6: Outline Your Sample
Base Camp 7: Doing the Research
Activity: Decide Your Data Collection Method
Base Camp 8: Analysing Your Findings
Activity: Analyse and Discuss Your Data
Base Camp 9: Drawing Your Conclusion
Activity: Conclusion, Structure and References
Journal Articles
Case Studies
Your New Supervisor: Gary Thomas
The Roadmap: How it can Help You do Your Research Project
The Toughest Stage of the Research Project, and how the Book can Help
The Five Most Important Aspects Someone Who is New to Research needs to Consider
What to do when You have a Problem
How to use the Resources on this Website to Support Your Project
Gary Thomas' Favourite Thing about the New Edition
Why the Notes Column is Useful
The Nine Steps for doing Your Research Project
Why the Notes Column is Useful
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